
There's very, very few music videos that I re-watch more than a handful of times. I probably play them once or twice then maybe again years later for nostalgia value. I can't imagine paying for a service where this is touted as the main feature. GPMAA is a really neat Spotify competitor on its own but this Youtube

I've been using AT&T's $1 mobile to mobile plan for years. They charge me a dollar a day when I talk (never) and $5 for 200 messages. Since I use Hangouts to text and call, I'm basically paying $10 a month for cell service and they hate it. Every time I call about anything I have to deal with 5 minutes of them trying

Right? I don't think there's been a male character before or since the new Dante that was THIS sexy. Wether or not you find his brand of sexy appealing is irrelevant, he was designed to be arousing in a way that isn't normally designed for male characters. A lot of people will argue that Chris Redfield, Nathan Drake,

Now playing

Honestly, as a gay dude, the only male character in a video game that has stood out to me as overtly sexualized was probably the new Dante. I can't really say he was objectified (like a lot of female characters in other series/titles) but he was definitely designed to be sexy.

I think MTG is considered to be more hardcore while YuGiOh and Pokemon are more entry level. From everything I've observed, the MTG crowd kind of shun the Pokemon/Yugioh peeps though there's always levelheaded and cool people on either side. With all that said, I rarely see anyone playing Yu-Gi-Oh/Pokemon over 30

Add me in game. My username is Paco604. I don't have very many EX cards and usually just play for the fun of it.

Other links for starters:

Yu-Gi-Oh is a lot cheaper than the other TCG's so it's extremely popular in innercity areas. It's all anyone plays here in downtown LA. Very few people play MTG here at all unless you start going to the suburban areas of SoCal. Pokemon is largely considered a "kid's game" so most people who have a deck don't even

It's a lot slower because things aren't automized. The rules for certain cards can be a little complicated so very rarely you or your opponent aren't sure if something that just happened is "legal." But pokemon is the only TCG who's rules don't change very often, only the cards do. Chances are, you still know how to

Nope. Each booster pack comes with a code and a QR thing to scan as a separate card in the pack. If you don't have said card with said code, you're out of luck.

Now playing

Check this video out for why it was absolutely necessary for them to remove it:

I think the most hated item at this point is those fucking coins.

It's not like the mario multiverse is like... rich in lore or something. They didn't have much to pick from. They could have brought back Boo and the Piranha Plant but honestly, I don't think anyone ever played them. At least the Koopa kids are new. I admit though, metal mario and peach are sort of... eh.

Now playing

Sorry, but the Middle Boss Battle is the best from this lot.

I lived right next to Little Tokyo here in Los Angeles. If you're ever in the area, check out Kinokuniya Book Store. I used to get all my imported game soundtracks there for about $16 a pop.

If I remember correctly, they couldn't. They stopped skilling up after about 4 or 5 skillpoints. I might be mixing my games up though.

Apparently, the game was supposed to be an online multiplayer game but then the SimCity fiasco happened and they changed directions. It makes sense since sim teens, young adults, adults, and elders are all the same height and are basically indistinguishable from one another. Largely speculation of course but the

The last FYF here in Los Angeles was kind of cool. Apparently they don't really scan printed tickets so people were making double copies and getting in that way. I was a little pissed that the girls in front of me, talking through the entire Breeders set, got in that way.

FreeBSD is Unix and it is in no way a pretty looking OS.

*edit* Misread, sure you meant it performs beautifully. In which case, yes! It does.

Damn, I just posted this! Now I have to delete my thread. Haha.