
Yeah, not so much. I had a 2004 XC70 T5 and now a 2105 XC70 T6. My maintenance is less than half that of my sister in laws Audis and about the same as my brother’s Ford 4x4. We decided to swap out the 2004 at over 185,000 miles and only one issue because we were offered an amazing deal on a car with updated

om bara...

I received on of these for Christmas. I wish I had returned it. It makes, barely, passable pizza and I love pizza. By contrast my oven with a pizza stone or metal sheet makes amazing pizza. It’s just another shit appliance that won’t sell at a tag sale.

I received on of these for Christmas. I wish I had returned it. It makes, barely, passable pizza and I love pizza.

I was hoping for something a little more original. It looks like an XC90 that got rinsed in hot water...

It’s really quite sad. Twenty years ago she was a lovely person with an unfortunate penchant for bad face work. Maybe it’s the Botox that drove her mad.

Why am I immediately thinking of the German Reichstag fire?

I love Dry Creek Bed Mysteriously Studded with Dog Turds as a Trump descriptor. It’s right up there with Bloated Piss Blimp and Ginger Scrotum.

Countess Crackerjacks has to be on some sort of meds. Her lies are so badly told you’d have to be stoned to even say them with a straight face.

Schlafly’s daughter confirmed she was a cancer.

They went to the station to, supposedly, avoid melees in Tripoli. Otherwise there is no reason for the Ambassador to be there.

Benghazi was a Consular Station and or Diplomatic Post. The US Embassy for Libya is in Tripoli. The only US Embassy not in the Capital of a nation is the US Embassy in Tel Aviv Israel. The US does not recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

He probably was doing dick pics on Grindr before he came out on stage.

You might have said Ken Starr is full of shit and it would have been dead on correct.

At the GOP convention the artist might have better results if naked men were used and then have someone with a Grindr active as the GOP members walk past.

There are so many Volvos in my family between all the Swedes and Swede lovers that I can’t count how many. I only know of one 2002 XC-70 with the gremlin issues you’ve described. From my Uncle’s 1966 1800S to my 2004 or 2015 XC70’s they’ve been worth their purchase price and regular maintenance cost. Saabs, on the

That, just that.

It’s an old joke that California was like a granola bowl, what wasn’t fruits and nuts was flakes. It’s not that accurate or funny

Said the man who; lives as a glutton, bears false witness against his neighbors, uses the name of his G-d outside of the temple or in worship, and taught his children Christianity so well that two of them tortured and strung up a stray dog...

Gorcyca should be disbarred. You cannot make another person like another and throwing juveniles into detention just creates problems further down the road. Anyone who doesn't understand these points has no place in family court and is as judicious as those fuck heads that sold kids into private prisons for