
An accident is backing into a fire hyrant. Slugging someone is no accident, no matter whether the sluggee died or not.

Must be tough. I would love to do automotive testing.

Exactly! The correct response - if you’re white - to “Black lives matter” is to say “Yes. Yes, they do” not “BUT WHAT ABOUT ME?!?”

This hubris of insisting that you know, and claim superior moral connection to, what a dead man would have said or done in response to a modern phenomenon is quite possibly the most arrogant thing it is possible for human kind to do. It is one of the larger reasons why I permanently left christianity.

“All lives matter” is the smarmiest, most disingenuous erasure of a movement that malicious and clueless white people could have come up with. To apply this to Dr. King, his work, or his life is almost violent in its untruth. Fuck this parade of assholes in the ear.

Merry Fistmas!

Apparently, you haven’t been invited to the right parties.

Your lack of imagination disturbs me.

Maybe your hands are too big? Not big enough?

Merry Fistmas


UPS decided to drop my $1,000 computer on my front porch in plain sight. A signature was required, but nope nothing. Didn’t get stolen, but it was quite scary.

Worked in direct mail for a long time. So many cases where UPS (or any of the carriers) would just slap the label that fell off on a similar box and send it on it’s merry way.

because when a dude wants to commit sexual assault, he sees the sign that says “women’s restroom” and says “Whoa! can’t go in there!”

Yeah, but then you’d have to actually, like, attend a Trump rally. I’d rather stay home and scrub the bathroom floor with a toothbrush.

You’re acting like reading a book at a rally is some kind of dangerous disruptive act. Wow.

If someone disagrees with Bernie or Hillary’s politics at their rally am I okay with it? Yeah. Because I’m a grownup and I’ve been disagreed with before.

Would love to see some Trump supporters reading books instead of websites like brownpeoplearegoingtokillusall.com.

Wouldn’t his picture be honoring Chancellor rolls? Or Fuhrer rolls?

He apparently goose stepped right into the judge chamber as well.