I was thinking about this too. What do you want me to do about it? If my brother/cousin etc is a grown ass man, what can I do? It’s not like I can yell at him. I’d feel so uncomfortable being forced to see his dickpics and be made responsible for his behavior. This would even mortify his mother and what does that…
Yes to all three.
Jesus you listen to Jim Nortons advice show? I feel sorry for you
The GOP governors always seem to rush in with all kinds of slash and burn cuts - WITHOUT ever looking at any of the fallout or long range consequences. (see also: Kansas, Iowa, Wisconsin)
For yaweh’s sake, some of the GOP candidates have proposed *eliminating the EPA altogether* (after DECADES of slashing it’s funding…
The GOP’s pennywise dollar-foolish, ignore all environmental standards for poor neighborhood shell game tricks can ALWAYS get worse.
We just had this happen at my job the other week.
I love Replyallcalypse when they happen at work. It seriously wastes a good 25% of the day, and you get a great laugh. My favorites are the 30 people who reply “STOP REPLYING, IT WILL NEVER END IF WE KEEP REPLYING!!!”
The person from “This Old House Magazine” sounds about as curmudgeonly as you would expect.
Funny to hear that coming from him, a man whose entire film career has been an attempt to shoehorn dramatic material into comedy.
Jesus Christ. I have heard this song so many times and hummed along without listening to the lyrics. That is haunting.
As someone who played D1 College Tennis with tons of international players, I know this is true. Now I’m skeptical of Grand Slam winners, because hey, you make on avg ~$1M for those, so no reason to tank.
What the hell? Is this some sort of Djok? (I’ve been waiting years for this moment... The payoff was not worth it.)