my goat ate my homework

Yo, whatcha want?

Now, I’m no construction expert, but a rushed 24/7 build doesn’t sound like the kind of environment that is conducive to “stringent labor standards.”

For it’s time yes, a monster. Still very capable today.

This is a good price and a good car to get in on now if you are interested. It’s a matter of years before the ones you can find are either completely roached out or too expensive. If you want, this looks like a good place to start.

That’s precisely the car I had in mind. No offense Mitsubishi.

I have zero against this car. I’m glad it and the Civic exist especially in their spicier trim.

I wish they would put Yokes on a bunch of cars RIGHT NOW.

I mean, what do you get if you cross a viper and a lightning?

Laughing x2. Thinking about a coworker who bought a top-line $70,000 truck to haul their small 22ft boat on a single axle trailer.

IDK, I see plenty of people using their phone in one hand while driving. Pushing a couple buttons on the center console seems doable. It’s like operating a snow plow.

Of course it does. No Union would allow such a thing.

Chargers are hard to find”...

Don’t worry, this is only the result for those testing the beta version.

What will it do if no suitable shoulder is available?”

Something about you makes me think you share my affinity for the Viper V10.

my comment was tongue in cheek. Nobody knew it was coming. But people in the comments will act like people SHOULD have know it was coming. You know, vertically integrate everything and have 1-2 years supply of everything on hand.

Lacerations are the number one injury in manufacturing pretty much across the board and definitely around sheetmetal. Used to work at a place that handled alot of stainless sheet and there was an impressive amount of effort put into deburr and handling procedures until it got to the point in the process where it had a

I think the Ram position is due to Ram nearly being a down market brand (sorry Ram fans). Not like Kia down market if they made a truck, but I think if you want the tech in a truly modern truck you pay up for a Ford. If you want high tech options but don’t have the money for a top line Ford then you check out a Ram

I don’t avoid risk or death, not one bit, but I don’t actively seek it out. Not serious risks like trying to disarm gun wielding people that aren’t thinking straight (or desperate).

Apple doesn’t manufacture their phones at all I don’t think. They subcontract that to others like Foxconn.