my goat ate my homework

In the spirit of your handle.

Regulators are absolutely asleep at the wheel (pun intended) on autonomous vehicles.

If Brodozers are the equivalent of driving down the road yelling “F you” at everyone. This is the equivalent of yelling “F you” ANDI have more money then you” at the same time. Whole other level of douche.

Total profit is the goal up to the point that you run out of capital. Or, until margin is low enough that the next dollar you invest would be better spent on an alternative investment. Most companies have a target ROI for their Capital, so long as you can access the capital and the cost of that capital is not greater

Unless there is something keeping a competing gas station from entering the local market (like zoning approval bans or something) then it’s probably a market price. Otherwise, if it was that unreasonably profitable someone else would open a service station next door.

As someone who spent time in the industry a majority of over-the-road trucking is neither tough nor dirty. Neither is hauling containers from ports because you usually bring your own container chassis so you know it’s in good working order.

If they can get equipment and get drivers the will make even more money if they can increase their load count.

Last I heard they are still determining weather they are going to make truck balls a dealer installed option or include it at the factory. So the configurator is on hold till then.

Back in the day our local smokies had first crack to buy their old car (after decommissioning of course). Those were some of the best kept police cruisers you’ve ever seen.

The customers are the companies that buy information from Facebook or pay for ad placement.

Next time you don’t have to post a picture of every single one of them. I’ll take your word for it.

Your “worth includes real estate (land) I assume. The proper comparison here is just a house, no land. That’ what you get with a converted trailer.

Used trailers don’t get scrapped for fun. They are usually used alllllll the way up. Till they break in half. Literally. Had a load trailer once break in half. That’s when they go to the scrap yard.

You aren’t understanding properly, but that’s what you get from reading Raph’s take on it.

The journalist is using wages from 2020 with we were all laid off in. Probably on purpose. Also, Deere is playing the other side. Fully loaded “cost” of the employee. And assuming they work for 52 weeks a year.

I think we’re talking about front windshield tint (like the front windscreen).

Interesting, There are a lot of people judging the owner based on one thing or another. Care to weigh in? Are they a Bro? flat brimmer?, flag flying F-you type? car guy? loud and IDGAF about my neighbors? Old man who thought he was buying an old school caddy?

that’s what they all say... just kidding. I know my gut isn’t always true on the front windshield tint but as a true American I’m entitled to my opinion whether or not it makes any sense or has any connection to reality.