
Yet the ‘liberal’ aka ‘socialists’ in ‘sanctuary city’ San Francisco defy this federal law. To add insult to injury: jerry ‘the clown’ brown recwntly declared California to be a ‘sanctuary state’ . You can be sure gavin newsom, who’s vying for brown’s job next year is pissed he didn’t get the honor of this treasonous

The ‘dumbocraps’ AKA liberals over the 8 year ‘rape’ of America, did absolutely NOTHING, NADA, ZILCH, ZIPPO, and BUPKUS to advance Americas middle class., despite their promises: no quality jobs, a crappy economy, more giveaways to ‘boat people’ bums and illegals, people who never paid a damned dime into the pot but

If these people want to come to America for a better life, let ‘em become American citizens, plain and simple. I’m frankly sick and tired of what’s going on now and it’s not working. As citizens, people can legally work without the chance of being discovered and deported. My grandparents did it the right way, came

See above for comment!

But they still get all kinds of ‘freebies’ AKA social services even if they ‘don’t qualify’. If you don’t believe me, come to San Francisco. The ‘boat people’ or whatever you want to call ‘undocumented’ are here sucking on the taxpayers tit for all kinds of services and it’s disgusting. This is a fact, as a native

Tired of paying for ‘boat people’, or whoever you call for people who’re here without the legal right to be here. My taxes are high enough as it is. The American people are tired of being taxed up the ass to pay for services to people who’ve never contributed a damned dime into the pot but get all kinds of ‘freebies’,

A quality straight razor is a worthwhile investment. A new one in a reputable cutlery shop will cost $80.00 up depending. If you look in some antique stores, you can occasionally find straight razors. One caveat though: be sure the blade is hollow ground, and has no rust, a bit of oxidation is ok. Next thing, look

Occasionally you can find straight edge razors in antique stores for not that much money. Look for Sheffield steel blades from England or failing that, Solingen steel blades from Germany. Also make sure the blade is ‘hollow ground’. Hollow ground blades keep the best and sharpest edges. No using the razor for

Great article about straight razors. I’ve got several that I’ve acquired over the years but when it comes to actually using one, I’m scared. One slip and, well you can guess what might happen. Several years ago, I acquired an English razor , the ‘Rolls Imperial Razor”. This razor belonged to my late father and was