Homestar's Girlfriend

Mercury Stardust, the Trans Handy Ma’am, just came out with a book on DIY home repair, with emphasis on rentals.

My city doesn’t recycle Tim.

“Craft a compelling cover letter”

10 years ago I woke up one day and just said “fuck it”.

And for picking up dog poo whilst on walks or at home... my wife loves them for this.

For that ring of minerals, nothing beats a decent flathead screwdriver and some elbow grease.

In my town you have 30 days from the time they post the sign in your yard. Source: I was doing No Mow May way before it was cool.

My food replicator only makes cold Earl Grey tea no matter how many times I ask it for hot.

Any silverfish remedies? Because I’m pretty much going out of my mind.

Any silverfish remedies? Because I’m pretty much going out of my mind.

I started to question the necessity of this piece, then remembered President Bone Spurs and his mouth-breathing followers...

Landfills ARE environmentally friendly, Marzipan. Don’t fret.

I have a question that I haven’t been able to figure out from Google or googling! Does “deleting” your data actually delete it? Or does it just remove it from your account? My suspicion is that its for hiding your history from yourself or your family, but there’s no actual deleting involved.

Dear Microsoft,

Hallelujah. At least paste the script in the article body. Those of us who are wasting work time in close proximity to our work fellows aren’t always in a position to light up a video, but we sure could read some text. Not having text is a disservice to your readers.

As someone who has dealt with anxiety/depression please keep reaching out and asking us to do things.

Bragging time: I own a vintage clothing store and the costume department for the show ordered some jewelry from me. I was already a fan but I look forward to watching intently to see my pieces on screen, hopefully!!!

Libraries have wi-fi and absolutely love people who come there and stay for hours. At our local library, the librarian told us that the wi-fi is available in the parking lot in case you’re in your pajamas and need some quiet time working in your car-office.  I love librarians.

Except..that is literally how you train the algorithm? By what you watch and what you reject.