It’s a short bike ride from my house. I’ll embed myself there like Ed Werder in Dallas, but I’m going to need an open bar tab.
What was the total value stolen in Hustler magazines, Axe body spray and Bud Light?
And that little boy, who no one loved, grew up to be Dave Titus.
Soco Barns are definitely the best places to go if you are in a rural area and enjoy oddly flavored pseudo-whiskey.
Good to see Phil Margera is still getting work.
Tom Coughlin - the human embodiment of a sunburned ferret.
Why do I get the feeling this guy has a collection of beans that look like Trump?
Is Draymond covering his sack because he’s always on the lookout for retribution, or was that a humorous request from the photographer?
He didn’t weather the storm in Jacksonville. The team plane didn’t fly back from Houston until yesterday afternoon. I can also confirm, from firsthand experience, that most bars were open in Jacksonville Beach yesterday. He didn’t say WHERE he played darts by himself. Perhaps the heat is on him too much at Lemon Bar…
“Local Man Has Same Name”