
I’m curious if you also worry about long haul truckers and female bartenders’ safety, as those are two of the most dangerous jobs for women. And do you feel angry for models, dancers, and athletes who also use their bodies as objects? One knee injury and a dancer is no longer of value to anyone. Her body and skill are

You eradicate trafficking by making it legal and regulated, so that police will stop harassing sex workers and start investigating issues of traffickers.

I don’t understand this perspective at all. They should have the right to sell it, but there should be no legal market for it, which constantly threatens their livelihood and makes unwilling traps out of them?

You are conflating human trafficking and sex work. They are not the same things.

I think the negative side of sex work or any work can be discussed without removing agency. I don’t see it as an all or nothing situation.

I don’t think we can state that all these relationships are toxic, though, without taking away the agency of the woman. Lots of jobs require that people are treated differently and many of us have bosses that treat us poorly. Are all of us being abused? I would disagree there, and I would disagree that a woman has no

I think the point of the “beloved husband” line is to say that men who pay for sex are, for the most part, just average joes seeking something they can’t otherwise find in their lives. In other words, some normal guy we may know personally rather than some isolated deviants operating outside the bounds of “normal

Or, alternately, she’s rejected him as that connection?

Especially because the relationships often have an unequal balance of power.

The big problem with all those articles is praising the Nordic model whilst ignoring the opinions of actual sex workers.

Legalize and regulate sex work.