
While I’m glad you enjoyed the book, I’m now very upset about those cookies.

Thanks to articles like this my interest was peaked and I listened to your book over the weekend. It was a GREAT listen! Of the games you covered I’ve only played Diablo, Dragon Age and Destiny but that didn’t stop my enjoyment of hearing about the heartbreak of Star Wars 1313 or how the specific culture of the

I would love to ask him all about it, but EA/BioWare declined my requests for an interview with him or anyone else on the leadership team.

But the emerging truth from all of them, and your book, is that the basic structure of designing games is broken. People have this desire to build these awesome worlds for us to enjoy. And in too many cases that desire, and the joy that must come with it, is turning into this nightmarish scenario.

Don’t get me wrong, EA sucks, but from reading the article, this really doesn’t seem like EA’s fault. EA set a hard deadline, but it really seems like the problem was a lack of leadership within BioWare.