
I actually think he made a mistake saying that. Just my opinion. I think that statement might piss off some gamers who just bought next gen consoles thinking that they were going to get that experience. Not trying to be this way, but I play open world games on PC that easily look as good as the Watch Dogs trailer.

My point is, virtually every cross-platform game from here on out is going to be developed on PC and ported to the consoles due to the x86 architecture in both the PS4 and the Xbox1. The other thing is, if they were showing pretty nice visuals in 2012 with 2012 PC hardware, why would they take a step back?

Now playing

I recorded this in April of 2013 on a two generations old GTX 580 on my PC. If Ubisoft can't get Watch Dogs to run like the 2012 trailer, there is something wrong! Play this in 1080p.

Like the others have said, I would get a better power supply if it's at all possible. 700w at least. One thing I've learned over the years is when you upgrade your components, you don't want to pay for and install another PSU. The minimal cost involved in getting a higher watt quality PSU is cheaper than eventually

I rarely read Kotaku on the weekend because Owen Good bores the crap out of me. I actually enjoyed the articles posted here this weekend by Phil.

If you have the hardware, PC's are always Exponentially Next Gen. And that is a fact. Though it doesn't make PC's better, I sure think they are for the most part ;)

So you're stealing games, is that it? Ironic you stole this game..........

You mean all Civilization games and Total War games are not notable? I have the feeling you don't game on a PC. I can tell you, unlike most console gamers, PC gamers usually have at least one modern console. Yeah, the loudmouths are annoying, but there are plenty of exclusives on PC as well as consoles.

Well, it was a quick reference since I had already recorded this quite a while ago. I can honestly say that Second Son looks great and I will pick up a PS4 when it's released, but I have to disagree on the lighting. It's an opinion, and based off of a YouTube video so that may change when I play it first hand.

Now playing

I think Crysis 3 has the best lighting of any game made, and probably will for awhile. I recorded this myself and this has zero mods.

PC beta code: 7WC4-AJVA-WLSW-DL25-M4BB

How do you PM people anymore? This site has changed for the worst every effing year. Whoever PM's me first, I will gladly give the PC code to.

That's crazy, EA sent me two PC beta codes and one Xbox One code (Don't own an Xbox, or an Xbox One). I wouldn't even think of selling the spare codes. Why the hell not just give them to someone?

I'm actually really close to pulling the trigger and pre-ordering Thief myself.

The pre-order price for Thief on Steam is $44.99, and the Thief: Master Thief Edition is $47.69. So yeah, hopefully he got it cheaper than $60.

Now playing

Not completely true. I made this video while playing Crysis 3 on PC. Play this in 720, then up it to 1080. Big difference. My issue with YouTube, is the fps sit at around 30. Compression hurts, but it's not a deal breaker for me.

Virtually every PC gamer has a console. I have a PS3, but I want to play this game on my PC at higher resolution higher frame rate.

Virtually every PC gamer has a console. I have a PS3, but want to play this game on my PC a higher resolution higher frame rate.

Yeah, I noticed that too. There seemed to be plenty of room on that controller where the touchscreen was. Valve did say that everything about the controller from aesthetics to weight could or will change and this form is just a prototype, so who knows what the final product will be like.

I have Windows 7 64 bit, with an Nvidia GTX 780 and NOLF 2 works perfectly, it just doesn't support wide screen resolutions if I remember correctly.