homerbert the 1st

Apples and oranges. I don’t know any men who have been castrated. I know far too many women who have been sexually assaulted. Castration is not a common problem across the globe, sexual assault is.

I loved the main Baaaaa,ba-ba baaaa theme was catchy in a way far too few film scores are nowadays. My favourite Batman theme since the Elfman/Walker era.

I liked it a lot. but it’s FAR too long. The vibes/cinematography/score/design are much better than the plotting. I agree with the Blank Check podcast that it’s probably best watched as a 3 part mini series, doing an hour a night.

it must be one of those old Hollywood deals where writers and creators get screwed while producers get to hold onto the rights”

Filmmaking unions were able to get a foothold because geographically everyone had to be in Hollywood back in the day. Nowadays, even if the big firms unionised, Disney would outsource to some random dudes around the world, like a glorified version of Fiverr.

It’s aged the most poorly but the bones of it are strong enough for a revamp. It was going heavily serialised storytelling in the mid 90s, when almost no other shows were (X Files was shortly thereafter revolutionising TV by dabbling in it). Picking up now with sharper writing and animation and filtering through the

I say this as someone who has worked on UK reality and fact ent TV; there really should be more regulation on US reality TV. What they are allowed to do to participants and how they edit it to appear on TV is fucked beyond belief.

Yeah, Pixar still produce some great movies but the house style has become so stale. Especially when Sony’s animation/Lord and Millar are pushing things so much with Lego, Spiderverse and Mitchells. They are mixing media, textures, styles and tools in a way Pixar just won’t.

The central joke of the meme is that Morbius is a bad movie that no one gives a fuck about, so it’s funny to pretend that it’s good movie that people care about.

I am a big Ennis fan who thinks the comic is one of the worst things he’s ever done. I read it all because my friend had it lying around but really hated it. But I think the show is one of the best things on TV in the last few years. 

Anecdotal, I know, but I know about 10 people going to see it and only one of them would be going if the reviews weren’t incredible. People are saying it’s jingoism, but we are all Irish so that doesn’t really factor into it.

I agree. I thought the drunk uncle bit made it clear but in retrospect I should have just put up sarcasm tags.

Can you explain how please? I like a lot of Gervais’ scripted stuff but think his standup has always been shit, so I’m not going to sit through his whole special. I’ve seen clips online where he seems to be implying trans people are rapists. Can you explain how it's making fun of transphobes please? Thanks.

I agree with you 100%. I maybe needed some sarcasm tags or something.

It’s once again leaning into the idea that trans people are secretly rapists, who will use access to women’s bathrooms to commit violent sexual assault. Like there are lots of would be rapists who are stopped by a woman sign on a door.

Very thoughtful, very smart. Not at all drunk ranting uncle nonsense.

Makes sense. I loved the podcast but I stopped listening very shortly after PJ left, and I’d imagine I’m not alone. None of that later pods captured the casual vibe that made the earlier eps so much fun.

Donna’s my joint favourite companion with Jamie, partially because of that masterful character development. But Tate was always too big a name to be there for more than one season, so we can’t blame her departure on Davies (who was leaving then anyway). So if he has to write her out and wants to do something sad and em

I never got the hatred for that decision. Her ending breaks my heart, but it’s supposed to. It should be tragic. 

As the father of a 5 year old girl, I’d suggest you add Spider-Gwen/Ghost-Spider to that list. Her cartoon appearances and merchandise have catapulted her right up there for the kid Spidey fanbase.