homerbert the 1st

Yeach, its superb. It’s the only American movie where Woo equals the beautiful madness of his Hong Kong stuff. The action set pieces are amazingly directed. The performers are having so much fun. The script actually has a clear emotional throughline and stakes.

His own vision, I’ll grant you, but his own IP?

He’s got the purple balaclava and furry ruffles around his neck. That’s enough for me.

Are you on Twitter? I dont follow him but he comes up on my timeline a lot. Dude’s got 1.6 million followers and he's very popular with blue tick comedians and media types. He doesn't seem to do anything outside of twitter though.

I have a long tedious opinion that Vanilla Sky is an unsung masterpiece, but I accept that’s a minority opinion. Held solely by me.

I thought the Ringer was great, far better than the trailers and premise appeared. Its worth noting it was endorsed by the Downs Syndrome Association and the Special Olympics. One of the few films ballsy enough to have someone with Downs who is a dickhead. I’ve watched a lot of Downs Syndrome related movies (and made

What kind of beer?

we’ve heard nothing montrous about Robert Plant, Jimmy Page, Mick Jagger.”

You definitely should. Its an astounding tv show. It has tons to say and is playing with TV forms and conventions, but manages to do that within a really charming, likable character drama. It's almost frustratingly good.

Five Nights At Freddys done in an Evil Dead 2 style starring Nic Cage? That's a lot of potential, I hope its good.

I’d maybe accept a centrist labour leader but Starmer is totally useless. With our media, Corbyn may have been “unelectable” but at least he held the government to account and forced u turns. Starmer is unelectable, devoid of policies and inexplicably incapable of criticising the government. An anti tory coalition

He did a great interview on Pete Holmes You Made It Weird years ago explaining his process. IIRC, basically he goes out of his way to empathise with his guest and ask questions from their own POV. He uses the example of interviewing someone from Al Queda. Essentially, asking “difficult” questions gets the interviewer

God that show was fucking great.

Not to ruin the joke but the 40 minute long doc on Netflix called The Speed Cubers is basically this and its really excellent.

I think I marginally preferred Vision but they’re both great. I have Omega Men on the bedside table but haven’t got round to it yet. High hopes.

Tom Kings Mister Miracle is the best comic Grant Morrison never wrote. Manages to balance mad sci-fi ideas, weird surrealism, heartbreaking drama with lovely, funny character moments. Well worth a read in any format.

I think Nolan can hear fine but he loves the idea of just feeling it out with those murky sound mixes. But I do think that his brain is filling in the lines and he’s not realising how incomprehensible those lines (and therefore the whole movie) are to new audiences. Its easily done, I’ve done it myself.

The whole meta “just feel it” thing is a bullshit cop out from Nolan because he hasn't given us anything to feel. There’s nothing resembling a relatable human being, emotion or situation. If you’re not paying super close attention and guessing stuff to fill in blanks, its impossible to know who is doing what and why.

Worder woman made $822.3 at the box office. 1984 has made $130m. It did well by HBO metrics in that half of subscribers watched it on the first day or two (I vaguely recall reading). But in terms of driving extra subscriptions and retaining existing customers is all impossible to know. And on top of that, its all

It’s people’s willingness to pay cinema/VOD prices for content at home that is the problem. The majority of people seem happy enough with Netflix or whatever. They might occasionally pay a few bucks for a standard rental, but not the 30 bucks they were charging for the likes of Mulan. At the $100million plus budget,