
wow, Is that directed at me? Kinda at a loss on how mentioning one thing I was curious by (one I’m not even sure I disagree with) is as confrontational and insulting as you’re implying. I would think that something you wrote would be up for, y’know, discussion on a comments section. Good to know that any gentle

At least 45% (if not more) of my coverage in 2016 and 2017 has been about webcomics or small press, which are dominated by stuff other than old white guys. For half of 2015 and 2016 I reviewed exclusively comics with at least one person of color on the creative team. Last year’s comics week I wrote about how small

I mean, they do when its a new release. They’ve given plenty of coverage to Shade: The Changing Girl, Geas, March and so forth. Its all dependent on whats coming out this week for what they’re going to review as they can’t just review whatever book they want to

This doesn’t sound good. But I do wonder about this statement: “There are other, better comics about predestined heroes, and many of them have women, people of color, and LGBTQ+ characters in them with agency and their own stories tell.” 

As a pastor’s kid, I agree.

Well, maybe parts of the New Testament. That Old Testament God was vengeful and petty AF.

Mega-Churches are the biggest racket. These pastors ask for more and more money for shit like private jets and helicopters so they can “spread the word,” but they rarely do anything but fly to extravagant places where they can promote their new book. Osteen’s earned my scorn because older folks I know keep sharing his

Church sucks. Period.

The Bible is pretty clear on loving your neighbor and not being a pious dickfor. It’s not God’s fault people don’t read.

When it was evening, the disciples came to him and said, “This is a deserted place, and the hour is now late; send the crowds away so that they may go into the villages and buy food for themselves.” 16Jesus said to them, “That’s right. If these people want to eat, they need to get jobs and pay for food themselves!”

Not even including the distracting-to-concerning racial and societal implications of the movie, I never liked Gone With The Wind. Three hours to get to “Tomorrow is Another Day!”? That’s it? No thank you.

This seems like a good idea. I’ve always been a little skeeved out by how beloved this Confederate apologia has been in film culture (especially just considering that as a movie it’s kind of a bloated, dull melodrama).

I mean, in my opinion Way of the Dragon is the best cinematic example of Bruce Lee doing kung-fu. But I recognize that it’s still a bad movie. Yes, it’s an unassailable classic because it’s got Bruce doing some of his most badass kung-fu. But for anyone who doesn’t care about kung-fu? It’s ... not a very good movie.

Now playing

I was hoping that Ignatiy would embed the bit of the Lee screen test he described (I first saw it in a documentary from the ‘90s), but it’s easy enough to find. And yeah, that’s some scary-ass speed.

In these desolate times, it’s good to know some things haven’t changed. Never leave us, Reposted.

I listen to this while taking a shit

Music is still a thing? I stopped caring in like, 2002-ish lol :]

Kanye’s mom’s death? Jesus you’re really reaching now. Do you really think Swift did any research into the specific day? This is all label driven.

Coming from the guy who designed blue cat people to be as fuckable as possible?