Homeless Nessman
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My favorite bit is the “supercops” story Axel tells, and the way that the guy who plays Taggart barely holds it together, like it was the only take they could get without him completely cracking up.

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One of my favorites is Moe’s protest sign in the 2nd season Simpsons episode “Itchy & Scratchy & Marge.” The Simpsons and friends have assembled to protest cartoon violence, but Moe has a more specific agenda.

We could say the same thing about most of us, except the “doing anything worth mentioning” part.

Even his name says, “Is that a beer?”

I remember grabbing Re-Animator off the video store shelf solely because of the tagline on the VHS box. (“Herbert West has a very good head on his shoulders ... and another one in a dish on his desk!”) My friends and I knew nothing about the movie or Lovecraft, but man, we were not disappointed.

But she could have chosen this:

All six seasons are on CTV’s website, in their “Throwback” section, available to anyone (i.e., you don’t need a cable subscription). There are some ads, but it’s free, and the streaming is good for a channel site.

Honestly, it’s not about particular people: they’re just the richest billionaires I could think of.

If we took all of Bloomberg’s money (approx $61 billion) and divided it up among all Americans, we’d each get around 186 bucks!

I had a similar experience with Empire. I was 11 and would have been happy to see it anywhere, but my dad drove us over 2 hours to watch it in a big theater in the Chicago suburbs. And he was not a film buff or a sci-fi fan: he just loved Star Wars.

Allison Pill’s character says that the synthetics that attacked Mars were created in her lab (at the Daystrom Institute in Okinawa), so they’re probably the result of Maddox’s research on Data. I guess we can assume Maddox and his people have been working on them since season 2 of TNG.

I just finished Carl Wilson’s *Let’s Talk about Love*, an entertaining exploration of Wilson’s (former) disdain for Celine Dion’s music and the nature of music taste and criticism in general. It’s made me think a lot about my own aesthetic taste/snobbery.

Along with the great visual fx, lighting, costumes, etc., the impact of the amazing sound design of Star Wars cannot be overstated. It sounded like nothing else, like it came from outer space. The hum of the lightsabers, that tie-fighter screech, the vibration of the blasters, the languages of the aliens and droids—it

This is so true. Harrison also looks like he could’ve been the third Festrunk brother on SNL (and their first appearance was in 1977). He was just a wild and crazy guy who loved Alderaanian foxes.

“Beware of Doug.”

I remember Lou Reed walking out on her at least once. Driver’s in good company.

Also, I get the impression that Norm ... likes a drink or three now and then, or anytime really. That can put some extra mileage on quickly.

Yeah, it sounds like the guy he’s playing was a real go-getter (in that he was going out and getting young men to murder and what not). And people love go-getters!

Personally, I think it’s more like this:

“And what is ‘it’ seems weird and scary to me. It’ll happen to you!”