“They don’t look like Presbyterians to me!”
“They don’t look like Presbyterians to me!”
Very big!
I’ve already asked my wife to see that it gets engraved on my tombstone.
I like to think Burton took a deal for a lesser charge, like “sexual loitering” or “adulterous runaway.”
It’d be great if they killed the sonofabitch, but they seem committed to staying true to history. I guess I just wish that were the real history.
Condemned by the Vatican for “erotic vagrancy.” Man, *I* want to be condemned by the Vatican for erotic vagrancy. That sounds so badass.
Cautiously optimistic!
Clearly, Crowe thought he was talking to Dean Craig Pelton, then realized his mistake and abruptly left.
Ecrof Ria Eht Nioj!
My choice would be that one (for total awesomeness) or Thor’s conversation with Rocket (for emotional power). Thor is the highlight of the movie for me.
They can make it up to us with a Dreadstar movie.
The funny thing is, I like almost all of the Marvel movies, but I’ve heard legitimate criticism of each of the films that I can’t really argue with. I don’t even disagree with much of what you said about Black Panther, but the things I liked about it were enough that it would still make my top 12.
That’s a very good top 10. Personally, I would want to fit Black Panther in there too, but I’m not sure which film I’d drop to fit it in.
Wow, I’d forgotten about that limited series, but there are a lot of similarities between the way the Squadron Supreme conflict plays out—hero team splitting over politics/values, recruiting additional people (including some villains) to each side, and fighting it out—and the comic version of Civil War, as well as…
Ant Man seems to be more of a family/kid-friendly film than most of the other Marvel movies (except maybe Captain Marvel, which has a similar vibe), so I think it’s nice that they made a point of showing a divorced family where the parents have conflict but don’t hate each other. (Y’know, for the kids.) Bobby Canavale…
Wow, I never noticed that!
I love that scene too. The actor in that scene (Aaron Himelstein) also played City College’s lead debator Jeremy Simmons on Community. He’s great.
I love their brief exchange in French. Of course Cap can parlez un peu.
“Internet. So helpful. Been readin’ that a lot.”