
Yeah but let’s talk about the panel gaps

That snorkel is really leaving that functionless hood scoop out to dry. Not that either of them is really doing much of anything, but you can’t have both!

Maybe it broke loose because the train hit a pothole.

It’s an Acela, so, yes.

This is a good line.

The contract is for three years and comes with plenty of Percs.

You think a 14-year-old boy doesn’t know about hand jobs..?

Maybe your son would be more comfortable with the “How to Eat Ass” post.

Nah! Tell your Son to find another website!!! Strong work Vanessa!!!

This incident aside- statistically speaking, train travel is still safer than jumping off a cliff

“I know we are a nation of laws, and this is a very serious and almost sacred process of deciding how to mete out punishment...but what the guy did was bad, so YOLO, you know? Free shots for everybody.”- No judge who wants to keep their job.

Lol what? That’s bonkers. Given the circumstances there’s no way this dude is getting hit hard for this.

I watched the clip and it quite honestly brought tears to my eyes. His horror and rage and frustration was so damn raw. I just can’t even imagine how he feels.

They’ll probably throw some flimsy assault charge at him that won’t get enforced. Might spend a couple hours in custody.

1) No

Rookie mistake. You gotta wait till they’re escorting him out or when he’s got to stand during sentencing and then leap and get your one shot in.

I think it makes it even weirder that he asks for a longer kiss.

my take, its fine, its good that they are close, families have different levels of affection display, I joke that, since i am like 80% german, my loved ones and i have bi-annual brisk handshakes(no eye contact though, you have to be civilized). but if your family is externally affectionate, then its great. and i am

“in immense pain and with limited mobility.”

Yeah, For me personally, it would have been weird, but as long as familial affection between a parent and kid stops short of the “I” word though, it’s something I’m leery of judging.