

eye for an eye, nice dude

i don’t think anyone reads the whole thing anymore

for sure man get those cops on the horn!!!!!

Get real!

Get real!

they are tho

that’s what i’m saying, brother!

wow until now i didn’t realize spending money on a thing i like was actually bad

love too wish death on others for having different opinions, which is much better than expressing an opinion about a guy that died

is there a button i can press to never see another cedon post

can’t even get the joke right, 44 stars. enjoy hell, everyone.

haha wow a completely unironic “filthy casuals”, what a website

crazy that people can’t understand wanting to watch a thing instead of wanting to play a thing, as if playing a thing is the only thing

in either case it’s better to just quit a game entirely if it changes even slightly, i heard

really great contribution lmao, thank u

great contribution, thank u

brokenwit. A single question.

dark shadows, dim mind

something tells me you’re not following all the unconstitutional shit happening literally right now. try to keep up.

fucking no, dude