
@SDSpeed: I bet he was drinking Heineken! It is rare to find a bimmer driver who drinks anything worth while.

Is this a repost or did Jalop just miss this 4 months ago?

G8 GXP, but since that can't happen anymore, I will just settle for a V coupe!

@yabo75: Well the iced tea states the guy has numerous garages, there is the mini of course, and dude has a pic of himself skydiving over manmade palm islands in the UAE. If that is not enough proof I don't know what is! ;)

Claus Ettensberger... Nuff said...

@DebosBike: Hah, damn, reading is hard!

I was built in 1979 as well, and I sure as hell am not over four decades old.

@jakebonz: You know Jalop writers never proof read anything before they post!

@unhcampus: Looks like an M3 to me... ;)

Wow the Airs start at $999 and these start at $1850? Why would I not just buy 2 Airs?

@MinkyMankyII: Haha, sarcasm wins again. Perhaps I should have said "Don't blame the white man, blame FOX News for fear mongering."

@MinkyMankyII: Wow way to be a racist. I had to reread the quote above a few times to make sure I wasn't missing the part about the business man being white. But I guess since you tossed out the race card so quickly I must assume you think he was white because he was a business man...

@walkerman5000: I immediately thought the same thing and was irritated by the waiver, but after reading more about this thing I am excited to see this thing in the lemons races. I now fully support this waiver for the cost and hope that future insane projects like this be allowed to enter as well even if they do

@brandegee: The ps3 controller has nice triggers. They have a great range of motion. The throttle control is one of the main things I am looking forward to seeing in this game. It has been a couple of years since I last played a racing game I really enjoyed.

When did BMW start doing backlighting on their rotor logos?!

I can just see this all boiling down to these cars being knock offs made in Singapore and sold as originals. I mean that has never happened before, especially not in Italy..

@MaWeiTao: It's simple, tracks like this do not allow 100,000+ people to all watch a wreck at the same time. And as we all know, the only reason anyone watches NASCAR is to see the wrecks. Thank you Speed Chan for now showing Aussie V8 racing!