
A person probably should know a little bit of information about the car they are selling before they sell it for a price that is absurdly low. Especially if they go and bitch about it later. This guy is twice proved as being a little slow, one for using Kazaa and another for not even trying to get any more than 2500

@OMGItsWeasel: Haha, I was waiting for it when i heard "don't cut," then BAM! Thanks instant gratification.

@nick2ny: Thats pretty sad no one noticed this til page 4 of the comments, it was the first thing i noticed when i opened the story. Where is any proof of damage to that lambo besides a pic of it sitting in grass!

@Beef Bacon...?: Thats the Viper wheel in the main photo btw, not the Lambo's.

@Lost in the age of Aerostar: Its pretty much all about jumping off the side of rainbow road and landing halfway down the course, get that down and the level takes half the time.

Wow that's the worst gimmick ever, why not just give me $500 off the price of the new car so i can decide what I want to do with that extra money. At least if GM went under, the stocks I got with my new car would be the last thing i would be thinking about. So much for that great new warranty!

Whoa, check it out, I leave my blinker on while driving down the freeway!

So do these also help by removing all the pollution that is produced from the big factory in the background too? And why do the not make factories and smoke stacks out of photocatalytic concrete?

I love me some plastic interiors, who needs wood, and carbon fiber, and buttons that last forever. Its not like anyone ever sees the insides of these cars anyways.

@c0de: Which one can hold more in the back?

@Hoser Dave: There aren't, its all about clearing cookies and revoting! Rigged like the last 2 elections!

Its all about the blue lights and flashy rims that make it a better hybrid.