
Isn't matte white the new matte black?

Oh no it appears someone has spiked my interior with hallucinogens again!

Well since this is for TGA bashing, i will stay the course, their track layout sucks too! Why oh why when they copied everything else did they not try and copy that!

Awww yeah Scrambled Pods with bacon for breakfast

@roxstar7: Actually that is a pretty poor point. I mean why would Sabine not be a good driver to test a car around a track she has driven on every day for the past what, 20 years? And she has driven pretty much every car around that track. And yeah, is Porsche's fancy Rally driver really so much better than the

Austin, TX, I-35 running through the main part of the city. 3 to 4 lanes, some hundreds of thousands of cars a day...not much fun. Add that into the mix of 100,000 plus people at a UT game and a big festival drawing in 50,000+ into an area on the weekends, and that makes it even worse.

HAHAH, wow i have lost faith in Jalopnik today, poor article based on a CarMax report... They did manage to sell an old coworker of mine a 97 Mazda protege for just under $8500 a couple months ago. That by itself was enough to make me not trust them... And it was also enough to make me not trust my coworker to do

I just love trying to read the comments now, who cares if they are in chronological order or all on one page, its not like anyone cares about our opinions anyways.

Where are the videos of "improper" speeds on this road?!

@Vintage Racer is out taking pictures: I did happen to notice what the videos were for, and that is why i mentioned the Senna crash in 94. That race led to a large number of changes being made in F1 for safety. It is probably safer to drive an f1 car than a nascar these days.

We need to pop up a top 10 F1 crashed, there have been some spectacular ones, also some very tragic ones...

These are gonna end up in boats, well at least thats what I am planning on doing with mine, wait, what, nevermind... I dont have a boat, nobody saw nothing! And arent these motors built just to survive a small number of miles? They get rebuilt every week right? Who the heck wants to rebuild a motor every 1000

I agree with Ash on this one, the inverse lines in the hood are not on very many cars, and the Mazda 3 had em!

Thanks for selling us your car, would you like to buy it back for 8 times the price now?

I'z can haz hubcap stickerz?

I am willing to bet that armored cars won't stop NFL players from being arrogant, thugged out wannabes that piss off people with their attitudes. Nor will they stop people from breaking into their houses and shooting them in their beds. This is a huge waste of money on the part of the NFL. If a player wants an

You can put lipstick on a Cimarron, but its still just a pig, I mean Cimarron...

I bet those 120/140/160 numbers in red are because if you were to actually try to take this car that fast with its crappy american v6 it would explode around 135-140. That is assuming it had enough grunt to make it that high to start.

The driver was going over 100mph in a 55mph zone in Spain. God I hope they fine him a ton of money for everything!