Holy Mother Forking Shirt Balls

You know what we call people who bring their own cocktail kit on airplanes?

Not all are relevant, but you can figure it out.

But that’s because you understand numbers: 1 in 6 women experience sexual assault during their lifetime; 31% of assaults are reported, of those, 2-8% of the reports are found to be false.

Depends on which kid you mean.

This concerns me.

I’m surprised by the second letter; I expected the writer to say the opposite (“my wife wants to help her shitty mother, I wish she wouldn’t be manipulated by her”). This dude should be grateful as hell that his wife is strong enough to get out of an abusive situation like that (especially one with as much guilt

Did some random word generator create this comment?

This RN post was entirely not rude enough and I am furious that you went off-brand to actually connect with people on a personal level instead of dismissing them with a razor sharp one-liner. As a pillar of the Kinja comment section you should really think twice before making such compassionate posts.

“I was wrongly accused at my town’s best pizzeria.”

Mayo is supposed to be boring and neutral. Miracle Whip is disgusting and ruins everything.

FUN FACT: Kinja was actually designed and is currently maintained by only three monkeys working on two computers.

If you wanted them to respect you, you should have tried not being wrong about everything.

Welcome to being an adult, where everything old is new again but this time you know it so now it sucks.

 Veggies in Season is an iOS app that gives you a quick rundown of what fruits and vegetables are currently in season.

I appreciate that link at the bottom showing how people who purchase these rainbow tomatoes also frequently purchase what appears to be smurfberries. Nice. 

LOL those tomatoes. Also frequently viewed by customers - deep blue strawberries. And someone bought them and reviewed them.

Yes, but that would require efffort, you see.

Yep, I’ve stopped buying certain products from Amazon because you can’t trust that it’s not counterfeit, that matters with shampoo!

Maybe if Bezos would put his money where his supposedly progressive, philanthropic mouth is and treat his employees better, he’d get better enforcement of the so-called rules 🤔