What is it about Cumberbatch that is keeping you away? Personally I’m fan, he’s great in Sherlock IMO.
What is it about Cumberbatch that is keeping you away? Personally I’m fan, he’s great in Sherlock IMO.
To be Strange or not to be Strange....
As long as this happens eventually, I good with Cumberbatch playing the role...
I didn’t get what was so great about RDJ before Ironman. Now i can’t imagine anyone else doing any better in the role.
Notice the huge difference between Marvel & WB’s DCEU universe.......Marvel can be patient to insure they get the actor for the best movie that they can put into the theatre while WB will rush so it can get money rather than release a quality film.
Honestly I don’t see anything wrong with this. Cumberbatch can make “magical butt-kicker” believable. I trust Marvel, they haven’t steered us too wrong before.
Oh for fucks sake!
Thank you! I’ve been wanting to hear a level-headed opinion from someone who has an inside perspective on this.
Am I the only one who thinks if they had cast an Asian actor in that role that the outrage would have simply shifted to “there they go again, casting an Asian in a stereo-typically Asian role?”
I love it when people get all worked up and in a lather over the casting in some movie. It’s just a movie. Get the fuck over it. People will find anything to be upset over these days.
Nobody actually cares about your Social Justice Warrior whining.
I’m sorry this site has not earned the right to talk about this after your previous cherry picking ways. You were silent and accepted a Hispanic actor cast as an Egyptian. Essentially you’ve said as long as they’re some kind of brown it’s okay.
Wasn't the character an Asian stereotype? Wouldn't it have been another Magical Asian? Isn't this a bit of a damned if you do damned if you don't scenario?
“It is our God given right to be offended.”
As an Asian, I don’t give a fuck. Just give me a good story, and I’m tired of this article berrating the director every chance it can get. What’s he supposed to say? “Yeah, fuck me right?” Its all politics and money and as much as you wanna voice it out, its not really gonna change much. They’re after the Chinese…
I’ll say this-
I’m sorry, but this is starting to become absolutely nonsense. Stop giving a shit when white people are portrayed by black or yellow actors. Stop giving a shit when black or yellow characters are portrayed by white actors.
I don’t give a fuck when Chinese or Japanese movie studios yellow wash their movies, nor do you.…
Doctor Strange: Accidental Racist