holy holes batman

@mrm: I think they purposely programmed it to do that. We focus our thoughts around a category and ignore other stuff. But with it jumping around it forces human players to be on their feet.

@2nd White Line: And the ability to ring in before your opponents can even blink isn't an advantage? Go back and watch how many times all three tried to ring in, but watson has instant reaction time.

Jailbreaking your phone is completely legal and if jailbreaking is just a way to get root access to the phone; you can logically assume hacking to get root access on a PS3 is horribly wrong and this guy gets what he deserves, rite?

@Rachel Fogg: So you like promoting everyone who's on your side...

@agreeable_panda: What did he do again? There's still a debate whether was he did was illegal.

Why must we awaken him!?

@WiFi: That's a really short flowchart. Try this.

Unless I hear it from Wilford Brimley I won't believe it.

@WiFi: unreadable...

@Horusz: Somethingawful then?

@tacotime: TF2. Approaching 1000 hours. WoW, was a lot of fun when I used to play too.

@Tsylord: L4D2 is really fun on vs. with people's modded maps (ie. a 12 vs. 12 game) Unfortunately that comes with a risk of abusive admins cheating (I've personally ran into that problem a lot), so I haven't played in 6 months. Also, a warning. L4D2 is much much harder than the first.

@WiFi: Don't make a horribly biased flowchart. That's how you make it better.

@Ari Schwartz: This isn't top secret NDA material. It's a video that was already released by NBC. All this does expose how clueless we were in 1994. And if you were really smart you wouldn't have a knee-jerk reaction to fire someone because all it does it make you look like a jackass.

You need to hire someone with no artistic talent. Their drawings will be all disproportionate stick figures and clip art.