holy holes batman

So could I...

@nczuma: people who have internet that D/Cs a lot can't do that.

@The Lab: Feed them less. I remember getting about 4 servings of fries for lunch and that is not an exaggeration.

@QuatlooMillionaire: What's even sadder is you completely ignored how one article says more hurricanes and the other says fewer.

@QuatlooMillionaire: Did you click links at all? They're a few years apart and yet have opposite viewpoints.

@limitless.opportunity: "...that embryonic stem cell research is very far behind adult stem cell research, so why fund it when it shows very little promise to the medical community?"

"Back in 1998, she described evolution as a "myth," and when challenged about that assertion, her comeback was: "Well then, why aren't monkeys still evolving into humans?" Awesome."

@aegelman: Yes, never let personal beliefs or morals affect your voting.

@Lin-Lynn: "...extremely common belief with Christians."

@HyperboleMan: "I don't really understand how someone's lack of belief in god would make people plan a murder. They aren't related at all. "

@kermit007: Wrong. Rape has been on the increase for decades.

@Joshua Milwer..: "[ Af:-1 At:9 Sp:0] What's the dirtiest place you've ever seen?"

"Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?"

@sm5w2: custom ###"."###"."###"."###

@Stephen Grey Ohocinski Jr.: Because openoffice is teh suck. Too many hours spent trying to get the bullet formatting to work.

(responses to Stephen Colbert mocking PETA's campaign to call fish sea kittens)