
As a hacker, I take offense to this. Hacker's are not shitheads with anger issues. Most of them are highly skilled at what they do, and work for a variety of reasons. The distinction that needs to be made is that there are many types of hackers. There's the traditional black hat, grey hat and white hat, and then

I am reading Clarke's Childhood's End in preparation for the SyFy miniseries. I just passed the part where the Overlords basically let humans do whatever the fuck they want, with only a couple of exceptions. One of which is, don't harm animals unless it is for food or self-defence.

Mother fucker.

Mother fucker.

Among the things March of Dimes is campaigning for is the removal of pregnancy as a pre-existing condition on women's health insurance applications. The More You Know (TM).

Cat shit can be extremely dangerous to both pregnant women and newborn babies. So stop being a twit. Seriously.

The contrast between the organic structure and its surroundings enhances the character of the area, which adjoins one of the busiest trafficked routes into London.

Be the change you wish to see in the world. (Check for cameras first.)

So pregnancy isn't a disability, yet we're required to apply for short term disability insurance in order to get paid during maternity leave? This really makes sense, America.

This article reiterates why I prefer pets over people.

My only thought while clicking on this link was "Please let the dog live, please let the dog live..."

Also guys someone is giving the fam a new puppy for Christmas!

Dogs are just the best.

Things like this remind me why I only believe in a Heaven for dogs.

Totally agree, and also the flipside: That EVEN A CONGRESSMAN feels he could be targeted. EVEN CELEBRITY FOOTBALL PLAYERS. This ain't just about a kid in one little town somewhere in the middle of the country.

I just think Terry Crews is the most delightful person, and that opinion is compounded every time I watch him in an interview. I even love the way they initially cast him in Brooklyn 99, which is as a sergeant who has to stop working in the field for a while because he gets panic attacks at the thought of dying and

"We agree it was offensive!" - Raiders defense after the game


Would he insult your abilities during or after, though?