
Is this your first day on the internet?

I’d also add that that particular FemShep option came in Mass Effect 3, although now retroactively applying to prior games. But even with that in mind, while that is the marketing appearance, ME3 doesn’t actually force you to play a white woman and beyond that canon!Shep is actually a man. So while it would have been

I’m just waiting for the Wild Hunt next-gen upgrade to play it again...

If there were so little reason for the Xbox to exist, there wouldn’t be millions of Xboxes in the world. People really need to let the “just build a gaming PC” take die, it just makes you look myopic. 

Skyward Sword’s guardians, for my money, are far more terrifying than Breath of the Wild’s. The music still instantly sends me into fight-or-flight mode.

I’ll give you tree fiddy.

I find the scenario of Cyberpunk 2077 failing highly unlikely. Unless it’s a steaming pile of crap and everyone cancels their pre-order, it will succeed on first week sales alone.

believe it or not, most people actually own and play more than one video game

Maybe they’re just good records

I don’t do any praying on my Xbox. 

If you feel like games are cheaper and better a year later, maybe stop buying them the day they come out?

Seriously. This game was the game that made me hate snow in real life.

And it took less than 10 minutes for someone to demand we should “be thankful” that a company is once again predatorily taking advantage of people with deliberately grindy microtransactions in a full price retail game (and no it’s not a free mode when it costs $60 to access) because it had a great single-player portion

The lengthening list of behaviors that you have to practice in order to avoid paying too much for a game that you may not want:

I’m sensing you think this should have been two posts, not one. You might be right. Would have really hit the second-phase idea more effectively. 

Exactly. And it’s also a bad business model. Because if one does it in fair way towards the players, so buys the used games at relatively high prices and adds as little as possible own profit margin on top, well, then one does not make much profit oneself (and still hurts the developers and publishers of games). If

Now playing

As someone who has spent countless hours enjoying Bioware games, from Baldur’s Gate, to Kotor, to Dragon Age, to Mass Effect, even up to ME: Andromeda, I will be completely ignoring this game. No matter how good the game has the potential to be, EA will ruin it. EA’s predatory monetization of it’s games and pursuit of

They are sharing the wealth, they’re spending money on every shot, just for you.


Is that you, Progressive Liberal?