Mediocre franchises. So they’re going to sell Final Fantasy off too?
Mediocre franchises. So they’re going to sell Final Fantasy off too?
This had to happen. How the hell did KH3, the supposed “end”, *not* finish with everything being happy for everyone? It’s a Disney game and you can’t get away with ignoring their biggest fairy tale trope.
I’ll say this: You have no idea how much you wanted the QOL improvements the Series X introduces until you have one.
Given their total value, Nintendo is more likely to be acquired or to enter into a merger with a larger party.
I want some clarity on this from BioWare, because it seems unnaturally low at 85 percent.
It took about 50 years to pay off Space Tree Jesus.
Like Sora would ever fit in a game with a series of bizarre crossovers.
I love this series and will dive in eventually, but not at its current price point. One of the reasons I enjoyed the first “Life is Strange” is because of its value considering its cost.
Comment claiming console superiority based on fallacy to validate personal consumer choice.
If a streamlined Skyward Sword gets rid of the %#@%!%^ tadtones I will buy 8 Switches and play that game on all of them at once while blindfolded with my hands bound.
I think specifically highlighting female Shepard is on shaky ground here, because there are far more problematic franchises in 2021.
Imagine if Microsoft went up to Nintendo and said “Hey! If you put Gamepass on Switch, we gave you a cut of subscription revenue, and - as part of the deal - we can throw Nintendo games exclusively onto Gamepass cross-platform no newer than four generations old. We have the infrastructure you can’t match to monetize…
Skyward Sword summarized:
“Clint Barton—also known as Hawkeye, or the “Really? Him?” Avenger—is coming to Marvel’s Avengers”
Wait a minute.. you’re not a baby seal.... you’re that LOCH NESS MONSTER! There’s no way you’re getting my tree-fiddy!
The Witcher 3 and the Mass Effect trilogy. At least five plays through the former, probably 10 apiece for each game in the latter. It’s almost entirely due to the characters.
Share prices are down 30 percent as the game takes an unending beating, including now in mainstream media. I like the game since I have a system that runs it.
Given the number of times a quest would pop up where someone would say “Hey! There’s some derelict reaper or somethin’,” I’m not sure this trailer canonizes any ending.
“I’m not sure how much more companion-style story there is left to tell with him.”