I agree. I see no reason for them to cancel iZombie. It's a decent mid-tier CW show, unless its ratings go into total free fall. Keeping it on Tuesdays seems to be a vote of confidence too.
I agree. I see no reason for them to cancel iZombie. It's a decent mid-tier CW show, unless its ratings go into total free fall. Keeping it on Tuesdays seems to be a vote of confidence too.
I've decided Mark Pedowitz is some kind of mad genius. The best thing I ever heard about him was that when the showrunner of The 100 was showing him scripts - the show about death penalty, and mass executions, and the deaths and torture of children - he was like, "Yeah, but don't you think you could go darker, though?"
I feel like CEG is a show I really want to love, but I just don't totally get it.
Please. Rick's only religion is Ricktavism.
I know I was surprised when they killed Tyreese by having him stand still in a house in an overrun neighborhood so a zombie could bite him. Actually, season five featured the deaths of most of my favorite characters, so I kinda checked out after that, which is why I can't get myself worked up over the Glenn thing.
It's a vortex that can't be escaped. You start watching and then your friends start watching and then you're kinda over it, but then they're like, "No, last week was really good, I swear," and you know, last week really was kind of good, but the.pn it gets bad again, but you're feeling inertia and your mom REALLY…
I feel so left out because most people hate season two the most, but as bored as I was by season two, nothing can compare to the out and out hatred I had for season three. My order best to worst is One, Four, Two, Five, Three.
Dumb as it was, I think it's nice Steven Yeun still has a job. A few friends of mine met him this summer and said he was incredibly nice and gracious and he seems like a good egg. Given that I never thought TWD had much integrity to begin with, I guess I'm pleased that if they decided they absolutely had to troll…
The flashbacks tho…
See, my reaction is that if I had to watch all that painful setup, then dammit, I'm going to at least try the show that necessitated it.
That was closer to how I remembered it but I thought maybe season two Shane colored my memories since its been five years and I don't do any rewatches.
Oh yeah. This is definitely not unique to TWD.
That and like, AMC isn't willing to shell out much for this show, but I'm willing to bet they'll shell out a good bit to keep him. Plus, he's got to make mad money at those conventions. If he's smart, he'll do this as long as they keep paying him and do his stretch stuff the other 5 months out of the year.
I assumed the motorcycle show was at least partly AMC's way of buying his goodwill into a contract re-up.
I'll take your stance on it. It's been a while since I saw it, so I may be remembering it wrong.
Oo. I hadn't thought of Maggie. I'd been assuming probably Morgan, but maybe Abraham. But no Greene meets a good end so. Interesting thought. I'd be worried about turning off a lot of women though by killing a pregnant woman. I assume that's why they didn't kill Judith, for instance. So I still say Morgan or maybe…
It's very frustrating. A teenage girl's response to the apocalypse could be very interesting and well done, but FTWD and TWD have both tried it and have abysmally failed any teenage character.
Didn't she like, have to physically fight him off of her at the CDC? I can't recall the details, but it definitely read as attempted rape to me.
Yeah, they're not going to kill Maggie. Like, I'd take 10,000 to 1 odds on that. I'd bet no one from the core group dies in the MSF.
Oh, be fair. They'll kill a bunch of random nobodies and probably also an Alexandrian whose name you maybe-kind of-know.