I assume Morgan will come into play around the season finale. Or Lennie James was just like, "Hell, no. See you in season 6."
I assume Morgan will come into play around the season finale. Or Lennie James was just like, "Hell, no. See you in season 6."
I liked that there was actually some humor. It was a nice break from the bleakness. I assume it's a temporary respite, but I'll take it.
Yeah. It was silly, but I didn't care for that exact reason.
Deadline is reporting there's a spinoff in the works that will feature Ray, some other in universe characters from The Flash and another from Arrow that I won't mention for spoiler reasons.
Eh. Better than another crying scene. I hate Ray, and I'd still rather watch Felicity boss him around rather than cry about another Oliver suicide mission. If he's going to insist on a new one every other episode, I can sympathize with felicity's deciding to just emotionally remove herself from the situation. However.…
I will never be convinced that Pratt didn't write that.
I don't think they'll kill Daryl until Reedus either wants off the show or becomes too expensive. He's just too popular with a lot of women and I actually think while it would be kind of a gutsy and bold move to kill him off with no fanfare, AMC will never ever let that happen unless they can't prevent it. There is a…
You see the problem! It may have to just be a tie.
The Originals. It was pretty dumb. TO has some good points, but carrying over characters from TVD and keeping them in character doesn't appear to be one of them.
At least Jo has the grace to be a minor character no one cares about that will allow Alaric to become a daddy. Liv is just entirely pointless. Like Enzo. Wait a minute! I have an idea… Spinoff!
Do you WANT Enzo to kill Matt's mother, who I'm 90% sure appeared onscreen once before abandoning her son to run off to some unspecified location for some purpose that mostly seemed to be proving what a shitty mom she was, and also whom I'm at least 40% sure is still alive and might possibly deign to send Matt a…
The Bonnie/Damon hug comes perilously close to toppling the Clarke/Bellamy hug as my favorite hug on television in many a season (three. In at least three seasons.)
To be honest, after season one, I've spent a lot of time trying to ignore Laurel and Oliver's history, so I don't mind that the show ditched it. One of the relatively rare times this show saw something not working and righted the course of it effectively and quickly. That's not even a dig at Laurel. I just find there…
I'm pretty sure that they just wanted her in the episode at some point and they were willing to be moronic to do it.
The Red John thing was super dumb and I quit watching around then. Came back toward the end of last season and found the show kind of charming again, if I didn't think too hard about anything that came before. The last season's actually been a rather nice 13 episodes (or the 11 that I've seen).
Thank God. The network is saved!
That was right before the prison, I'm pretty sure. And agreed- it was quite effective. Season three was basically downhill from there, but started so promisingly.
I think it's why the recent run of deaths on the show has kind of made me tired. For all the problematic traits any of the individual characters had, Herschel, Bob, Beth and Tyreese weren't dour. They had a level of hope, even joy sometimes. And we lost all four of them in a relatively short time span.
Chekov's Bob.
I get it. If they were determined to use the line, this was definitely the place to do it. Lines like that are always going to read as a bit of a clunker though. I'm trying to remember anytime a show has name checked it's own title and made it truly work. It's a really hard thing to pull off.