
This episode worked for me, but I've always felt like Beth was an underutilized character and I've always liked her. This felt less pointless than the sojourns with the Governor, because it felt like an actual exploration of a character and how she's grown over the past two seasons. Plus, this show has gotten far

I will absolutely give you that. It was the one good decision Fox made this year. It's actually literally the only good decision Fox made this year that I can think of offhand.

Yeah, I think a 2.0 would keep them plenty happy, considering the death spiral that has happened on Thursday nights for NBC. It's dangerous though, because its numbers are already dropping with The Voice as a lead-in and post-Super Bowl moves are not historically kind to the shows that undergo them. I think the

I'm going to be totally honest. There is nothing that Fox does these days that I don't find 100% amazing. I just sit there and watch in awe. Have you noticed that Gotham's ratings are tracking almost exactly Shield's ratings from last year? If that pattern keeps up, wait until it's in the low ones in the Spring.

The numbers for Marry Me and About a Boy are looking a little dire themselves and none of the midseason comedy offerings scream "HIT" to me, much as I'd like to think UKS will be a blockbuster hit, it… won't. With Parks wrapping up and Community already gone, will this finally be the year that NBC cancels every single

Yeah, but he still can't figure out what to do with Tuesdays and the 10 p.m. Wednesday slot and anything post-OuaT on Sundays, so there's always hope that he'll go back to being the worst at some point.

You guys don't have enough new dramas to make a cancellation happen. We were all rooting for Laura and then you screwed the pooch, NBC. Dammit, can't you get anything right? Oh, well. There's still Constantine left to cancel. Or you could precancel State of Affairs ala Mission Control, which is a strategy you

Simple, one or two word names seem to work best - particularly if they give a hint as to the show's basic premise. Friends, The Office, Parks & Rec, Community, Modern Family, The Middle, The Goldbergs, Two and a Half Men. All with varying degrees of success and varying degrees of actually being funny, well done

The move to Thursdays for Blacklist is looking more and more terrifying by the moment. I mean, if you like the Blacklist and/or NBC and care about either ones continued existence.

The PA Supreme Court would actually make an excellent television show, given everything that's been going on with some of those justices over the past few years. Someone should get on that. It could be ridiculous and semi-based in the real world, unlike this show which has some of the worst law I've ever seen on

I feel this way too, and I have had difficulty expressing it, but that's it exactly. I think Diggle and Felicity being two of the more popular characters isn't a coincidence, in that they are the most likely to talk about non-work things. I want an episode where Oliver and Roy have to go off an do… stuff or whatever,

The day Laurel is in the Arrow cave on a regular, every episode basis is the day I bow out, I think… unless they can do something really unexpectedly spectacular with the character. She's already coming too close to it in the first episodes of this season… it's making me nervous. The Ollie and Laurel Show is not what

In my heart, I truly believe that Harry Hamlin is responsible for all television deaths.


The actress was cast in that ill-considered Scream show on MTV, so I'm assuming that's at least part of the issue. Would be nice if they mentioned her onscreen though.

Also, giving her money. Lots and lots of money.

I'm not sure it's there in the writing, but I can sort of head canon a way Felicity's behavior makes sense. You lose a friend. You grieve. It makes you think about your own life and your own regrets and you go searching for what you're missing. In this case, I'm not sure it was about any romantic interest. I think she

I can sort of deal with the first two, but the third troubles me. I'm not sure I totally understand Oliver's stance here. Like, sure, you don't want to kill him, fine. You don't want to be working with the person who kills him? Also, fine. You don't want to be involved? Yeah, sure, that's fine too. But you're going to

I didn't understand that at all. Didn't Oliver manage to take her down without any real hardship a few episodes ago? And Waller couldn't manage that with all of ARGUS behind her, so she had to shoot down a commercial plane? That whole reveal was deeply puzzling and also it gave me bad Scandal Season 3 flashbacks. shudd

Glory and The Mayor would be the best buddy cop show ever. Except for the Felicity/Sara buddy cop show that continues to exist in my mind forever and they can't take that away from me.