
I think the review sums up my feelings about this episode, except that Grace has actually been working a lot better as a character for me this season. It's not always on point, but I think the idea I get from Grace is that she, as the teenage daughter, is trying to find her moral center and works very hard to keep it,

I think Tom can lose the vote, but only if ALL of the other judges on the panel vote differently and don't succumb to his arguments. And since I think Tom probably has a ton of say with regard to who gets invited back onto the show, and because the guest judges probably feel like they should give sway to whatever the

This is so petty and I'm going to feel like such a jerk for saying it, but I really hate her blond highlights. When her hair was sticking out of the ski mask and then at the hospital it just looked… not good. Go back to brunette, Katie!

Stephen Amell wants so many damn things. "I want to stop having to be shirtless for no reason." "I want you to stop making my character fall into bed with every breathing woman nearby." "I want you to all donate to my cancer charity." "I want you to all follow me on Twitter so you can see pictures of my adorable

Better to frame it as, "My name is Troy Thrace and I like Laurel." No, seriously. It sucks liking a character the internet hates. I have this problem a lot. My condolences.

She looks like she's been working out and added some muscle. I just assumed EBR didn't want to be the only one not constantly training on the show, especially since she and Haynes are such buds. My new life goal is to be able to wear a dress like she does. It's actually nice to see her not going from healthy and

I'm actually trying to picture them having a conversation in my head about anything non-'work' related and I find myself totally unable to do it. They have almost nothing in common, except being 20-something professional women. And Oliver, I guess. And Lance, sort of? They both really liked Sara? I guess there have

I don't know. I mean, yeah, Robert totally offed himself to save Oliver, but he also killed some other people in that lifeboat who presumably might not have made that choice for themselves. Ultimately, he did everything at the end to save Oliver - which was the point of Oliver's story - but he wasn't quite the moral

Yes. Ray is really causing me some serious cognitive dissonance.

She wasn't terrible in this episode. The only time I actively wanted to throw something at the t.v. was in her first scene in the boxing gym, so …that's definitely an improvement over last season. She's just not a character with any goodwill saved up, so I feel like they need to be very careful with her storyline this

Poor Felicity. Laurel's basically just doing what every character except Diggle does - use Felicity for her mad skillz and then proceed to ignore how amazing those skills are and the fact that she might, like, want to have a life too. Sigh. I had such high - high and dashed - hopes for a Felicity and Sara friendship.

She was distracted by Laurel wanting to be her friend now. And by the need to set up the crossover next week.

If they want me to believe that Laurel is some sort of super lawyer, they should really write her as knowing the difference between perjury and obstruction of justice. Also, I don't believe Laurel is a super lawyer.

That sounds like a headache and rage inducing project. So maybe I'll give it a try.

The timeline on this show is super weird. I mean, it's not Pretty Little Liars weird, but super weird nonetheless. It's completely unclear how long a period Season 4B was supposed to take place over. I agree that it's only been a few days since they were taken prisoner by the Termites, but the time between that and

I am actually quite excited about Daryl and Carol's Excellent Adventure. And I'm in the minority who like Beth, so if they manage to find her alive, all the better.

Yeah, but ethanol looks so much easier to make than gasoline. Gasoline seemed to require a lot of work and equipment. I didn't think of the difference between diesel and gas. But I.. I may have googled some stuff about surviving a zombie apocalypse after I started watching this show. I'm not proud of that, but I'll

Ah! Interesting.

Oh, yeah. That would never have worked. I would have gotten completely and utterly lost.

I'm honestly kind of relieved that they are writing Kalinda off at this
point if for no other reason than for whatever reason Archie and
Julianna are never in any scenes together. At this point it is clearly a
deliberate choice and it's becoming distracting. Now that it's been
pointed out how long it's been since they