
So many of my Sunday problems could be fixed by my dumping shows that I don't even particularly like anymore, but for whatever reason I have a really, really hard time dumping shows that I ever had any feelings about. I have my fingers crossed that I will at least be able to stick with my plan to dump Homeland this

Yeah, I think that was the idea. But I could see them backtracking fast if the show manages to stay above a 3.0 in the demo with the Frozen arc.

I always hear it more as, "KORAL". Not sure why.

I don't know, but as soon as I found out her name was Laurel, I was like, "This is gonna be bad."

I'm a lawyer and my favorite drama EVER is The Good Wife. I was somewhat less enamored of Damages, but liked it fine. This show makes me twitchy. I don't require my legal dramas to be perfect on the law, because television. But the level of absurdity took me out of the show. Especially because at least 20% of the

That made me angry because there is this rule in law school that you can only miss a certain number of classes before you fail the class. UNTENABLE POSITION, PROF. KEATING. UNTENABLE.

I really wanted to like this more than I did. I love Viola Davis in pretty much anything and she's clearly a more than capable leading woman. But the only thing that interested me in the entire pilot was her character and even then it was mostly because it's VIOLA DAVIS and she finds things to work with regardless of

At this point, Fox would kill - quite literally probably - for just one Chuck Lorre sitcom.

I'm conflicted because I love Viola Davis, but I have a strong feeling that HTGAWM (wow, that's a way too long title) is basically just going to be "Scandal" but with actual lawyers who actually practice law and maybe the president isn't a character. And I was growing tired of Scandal last year. On the other hand,

Me too. I'm more interested to see the ratings tomorrow than I am to actually watch the shows because watching network ratings for the last five years is a fascinating thing. Sundays. Sundays are my real problem for figuring out how to fit everything on my DVR, not least because I usually end up recording three hours

I have that problem. Everyone's like "Watch the Middle! It's so underrated!" And it probably is. I just get so annoyed with Patricia Heaton that I have trouble making it through an episode.

I really think the critics saw "gritty crime drama" mixed with "superheroes are the THING these days!" mixed with "flip phones but also 40s aesthetic!!" and missed the serious flaws with the pilot, which was my fear with Gotham after I started reading the reviews - no one could really express what they liked about the

Thanks! Maybe I'll tune in at that point. If it's still on air at that point.

Never Laurel.

Yeah, there's absolutely no reason to finish season one. I'd watch the season finale from the first season maybe. The Island continues to be one of the least interesting aspects and Katie Cassidy continues to be on the show, but season two really is a HUGE improvement.

Did the critics make it clear whether they were saying it diverges after the seventh episode, or that they've seen up to the seventh episode on screeners and it hasn't diverged yet? Just curious b/c I remember reading a few saying they'd seen up through six and nothing had changed yet. I feel like for limited order

I agree. It's not super well written, which is the problem with a lot of our laws and constitutional amendments. It's too fuzzy. And I HATE Citizens United. I'm all for undoing it. We just need to … undo it better. Then again, this never had any hope of passing, so I'm assuming some intern was like, "Eh. close enough."

Every time Laurel comes onscreen, I have a strong desire to press mute. I'm hoping Roy will improve as a character when he's more integrated into the team aspects.

Bex is awesome. This show almost certainly won't be.

Kevin Williamson is not having a good day.