Yeah that turned out to be bullshit pretty quick, didn’t it?
Yeah that turned out to be bullshit pretty quick, didn’t it?
It was exactly the same.
They didn’t succeed! Are you kidding me? A small faction escaped but they sure as hell didn’t succeed! This is the dumbest take I’ve seen. You win. My GOD.
Yeah. I love Star Wars. I have my ideas about how it COULD go...and I am usually wrong. To me, that is a feature, not a bug. I like that someone else is telling this story the way they want to tell it, and new shit is added.
He came close to turning several times. He tried to kill his fucking father after he mentioned “A siiiisssssster”. Are you seriously trying to act like this isn’t EXACTLY what constantly conflicted Luke would do? Especially since he stopped himself from actually doing it LIKE HE ALWAYS DOES?!
Soccer sucks and only you and your bearded flannel wearing friends like it. Get over it.
I’m 1000% sure you’re wrong and mostly a fuckboi who didn’t get his way with the movie.
Sick burn
What if they are just spelling and phonics enthusiasts? Ever think of that Mr. Shockwave? No you didn’t. You only think about yourself.
I think NBC has been looking for a reason to fire him, and as bad as this sounds...this was the godsend they’d been looking for. You can’t fire him for being a general dick without paying a shitload of money that they kept stupidly giving him. Now...they can. Glad there was someone brave enough to tell their story.
The problem is that there is no real proof that he did know or that he did actively cover anything up. None. At all.
Tim McCarver sucks, but that’s not fair.
I just hope that there is a director’s cut where Ron Howard narrates the whole movie.
Not nearly enough people care for you to be this outraged. Jesus Christ.
No. You still suck and I hope you fall into a lava pit.
Because he made the most simplistic logo in sports the most valuable. He hasn’t done shit with the team for 20+ years and it is still the most valuable, draws the highest ratings, and creates the biggest buzz. He created (along with his baseball counterparts, the Steinbrenners) Legends Hospitality, which has done an…
Jerry was raising this issue in March and starting to be a bitch about it around the time Zeke was pulling out boobs. So, no. You’re wrong.
You are an insane person, and you need to seek treatment.
Or...I don’t know...don’t just go around accusing everyone that’s white of being a white supremacist because you want to go to insane Alex Jonesian levels to tear something down?