I also have a nonverbal son with autism who can get violent. He’s only 10 now so he doesn’t do much damage but I fear for the future. There really isn’t much out there for people in our situation
I also have a nonverbal son with autism who can get violent. He’s only 10 now so he doesn’t do much damage but I fear for the future. There really isn’t much out there for people in our situation
Some states pay you to be your disabled child’s caregiver but my state does not until he turns 18. I am very concerned about him losing his Medicaid as that would be disastrous for us. We aren’t low income so we don’t qualify for anything income based
I stay home to take care of my special needs child. While he has Medicaid because of his diagnosis, I do not and am uninsured. If he lost his Medicaid we are so screwed. Diapers for an 8 year old are $800 a month. The formula he depends on for his nutrition and hydration is over $4500 a month. He has various therapy…