
@Annalee Newitz: What Eriah said .. :) and The Howling and or Wolfen

Well I see Vampires listed... but no Lycanthrope lovin?

hahaha I know you are all very down on this... but when if ( which i think Burton was going for ) that Superman was played as an alien and not just a super powered regular human? It will be interesting when some day the story is handled in a fashion like that.

Looks like this was one of the inspirations for Blade Runner's Los Angeles

@corpore-metal: well its a little different since the Users were considered Gods. Its more we ( Humans ) are the gods in this and how are we going to properly handle our creations.

<— stopped photographing the real world about a year ago... but i take a ton of images in second life... and you could sim correlate those i guess...

@MinervaAlpaca: oooooo smell Amazon product placement in that title :)

theme by The Prodigy?

@micah1_8: aren't Ewoks already "insanely cute, strategically placed Boston terriers"' ???? I think they are already in the film :)

"but protesters claim the experiment's cruel and unnecessary"

having been born in Indiana i did venture to see the Francisville Light one. Though it was just a light on the farm until you got close and it disappeared. Only to reappear at a similar distance away again only red and i mean a deep red instead of the blue-ish white it was from the other side.

@Arken: well just wait for the Bollywood version coming the following year :)

@Potentaint: yes but you can also do that AND be less evil.

@Andy Neil: Asian Tijuana Stripper actually... if such a thing exists.

@wendigo69: and don't forget that they also settled quietly out of court on that theft too... lol

@Bootknife-Jackson: well if he were a lot smarter the yes he could have been Sauron... but alas he was more like the Deliverence stepchild of Sauron .