I have to ask, did you ever recover from the loss of your families precious lube?
I have to ask, did you ever recover from the loss of your families precious lube?
Think you might have missed the sarcasm there, buddy.
That Keegans-Michaels Keys is my shiiiiiiiiiiiiit.
Jeez. Ever since I found out Olivia Munn was a feminist who lives out her principals, it’s been really hard for me to objectify her. Not even all those hot cosplay pictures of her floating on the ether, help.
Script Supervisor: “Listen, JJ, I just...I dunno if giving Lando the monologue about carrying Ben in his womb for 9 months and feeling the Force living within him, word-for-word, is gonna work when it’s coming out of Billy Dee’s mouth instead of Carrie’s.”
[Later, on set]
BDW: “And not only could I feel him when he was…
Sure, but calling them “the opposite of D.C. movies” seems a little mean-spirited.
My six year old was hysterical. He eventually calmed down, and we stayed for the end credit scene and explained that helped. I think all three of my kinds (6, 6, 10) are now pumped to see what happens next, now that we’ve talked it through a bunch.
Poor kids. It will be alright! Hope parents at least let them stick around for the post-credit scene (and explained what it meant).
The point is they gave up and stopped covering the show last year, because it wasn’t much fun to talk about anymore. I’m not sure if they still watch or not.
Griffin and Rachel McElroy spent the evening not regretting their decision.
You’re tearing me apaaart, releasah
Masturbation is healthy and natural, and there’s no reason to punish yourself with Domino’s afterwards.
How dare the bad guy attempt to destroy Black Bolt’s slave plantation! I, for one, am relieved he’s been imprisoned for life without trial.
You are reading my statement incorrectly.
It taught me lots of stuff, like not eating everything that smells good, because sometimes it’s a candle.
I listen to Mantzoukas’s podcast How Did This Get Made as well as Comedy Bang Bang (you should too) and I am so glad he didn’t plug this role in either. When I saw the back of his head, I was almost sure it was Zouks, but I was still so happy to be proven right. A great show just got even better.
What a dork
One of us, one of us!
I watched the first episode last week and I loved how enthusiastic the rancho guy got (and Griffin yelling "you're the spider guy and YOU yelled!"), not only because it was funny but because it spoke to the infectious humor and joy that is a McElroy product. Not only are the brothers hilarious, it's obvious they're…
And Griffin teams up with Phil Kollar to play Hearthstone sometimes. I hate dude-bro culture and at first the way Griffin talked made me crazy, but he's so goshdarn charming that I've grown to really like him.