They delete your posts if they don’t like it
They delete your posts if they don’t like it
Shamless advertising
There’s no way in gods green earth they are going to make another DS. System When the switch is the latest portable. Would they make a cheaper switch lite? MAYBE? But there’s no way they’re are going to invest in making another console to compete with there latest and greatest console. It’s make no sense to think…
I’m just as sick of seeing the words Battle Royale but let’s be honest it’s mostly been indie games Ignoring fortnite which i can’t stand. Big juicy companies are dedicating money and time into making it glorious. I’m all for it.
I made a post and she deleted it because she didn’t like it. freedom of speech my ass
I hate these articles. It’s not news. It’s like your personal blog talking about your personal life which you could easily post on your own facebook but you abuse your power at kotaku and post it here for attention. I hate these. i don’t come here to read about your life. Start a personal blog. I wan’t news not your…
As I was reading this I said a woman must have wrote this. I scroll to the bottom and what do you knowwwwwwwwww