I say this as a former NASCAR fan and as commentary of this article but...
I say this as a former NASCAR fan and as commentary of this article but...
Aww hex, I’m #008000 with envy that I didn’t think of it first.
...so is the self-checkout lane still open?
Please forward this to Drew as an early submission for WYTS: Giants Edition—
The UAW is corrupt and rewards ignorance and malice. Change my mind.
I know I am going to take shit for this but I don’t care. The UAW is being somewhat dense. GM is closing plants because they are not making the vehicles anymore, or not making them here anymore and don’t need the plants for any other vehicle. Why should GM, or anyone for that matter, be forced to keep them open? What…
There’s a formula that may help: Honda > Pontiac
Kobe is a big advocate of making people to do things they don’t want to do.
Wow. A player effectively banned from playing his sport in an entire country?! He must have REALLY disrespected their national anthem.
He who controls the spice, controls Trade Joe’s!
Spice must flow!
“So bye bye Let’s Remember Some Guys”
MacLean later clarified: “I can’t remember if I cried, when I read about his widowed bride, nothing touched me deep inside, the day Robert Traylor died.”
Usually dicks take up two parking spaces, so this one should be considered polite.
The NBA age restriction was always premised on the paternalistic bullshit that young, black men would not be well prepared to deal with the big money and fame they would receive at a nascent adult age. A retrograde argument contradicted by the fact that the NHL (and its many owners who also control NBA franchises)…
Well that solves the debate, ‘cause a sandwich would never narc you out like that.
We had a reservation and we would have ordered drinks and appetizers right away if we’d been seated, so why did they make us wait?
Yeah no way QBs should worry about CTE!
You mean he might have to watch Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy and Thor Ragnarok? I’m thinking he could probably survive that.
if the Falcons don’t start calling their o-line the Sweathogs after welcoming back Koetter I will, like their fans, be disappointed