
Another white woman Jew here. I’m trying to balance my current fear and anger and rage with a general reminder to myself that this increased feeling of fear and systematic oppression is what poc (and Jews of color) have felt and lived under for the entirety of US history. I think that helps place the feelings I’m

We’re only white until a nazi starts nazi-img at us. White passing privilege isn’t worth shit when the anti-semitism is focused on the idea of (((they live amongst us))).

Yes, as a Jewish person you are allowed to express your feelings about a fucking Nazi rally.

I just saw your comment and want you to know - one ww Jewess to another - that I see you. I too was scared when Alex Jones said that the Charlottesville protesters were “Jewish actors.” Or when LGBTQ Jews carrying a rainbow-colored flag with a star of David were pushed out of a protest in Chicago. These are scary

I was told, as the granddaughter of Holocaust survivors, that I was not allowed to talk about this in a Facebook thread yesterday. It was upsetting. I was accused of trying to steal the spotlight and that I have never experienced violence as a Jew (which is incorrect - I was physically assaulted for being Jewish as a

That’s fair. I think you should feel personally attacked by the idiot neo-Nazis. You’re right that you’re not going to have the same experience as a female minority, the same way a female cisgender minority might not have the same experience as a transgendered female minority. It’s just not going to be the same.

Why do you, a man, feel the need to insert yourself in an article about the high rate at which women are murdered by their intimate partners?

How do you, a man, find that at all relevant to this article?

I got mine when I was 11 playing in an indoor soccer tournament. I thought it was just weirdly colored sweat before I realized what was actually happening. I spent the night at my friend’s house, swaddling toilet paper into a make shift pad, then told my mom when she picked me up from said friend’s house the next

I actually would like to hear it.

i did the same. not jeal.

What is teen week and when is it over? Dreading the think piece on first periods, unless I missed that one already, which, in that case: whew. 

Because “teen week” is navel-gazing privileged nonsense and we don’t care

Maybe her vagine was, in fact, not platinum.

Down With Love, because I will always love Ewan McGreggor.

then we march FOR you!

Kat Von D’s eyeliner is great for this. It’s like using a calligraphy brush to put on eyeliner. You can get a good dupe from Jesse’s Girl that’s about $6-8 at Rite Aid.

Starring for truth. I think I started at 13.

I rewrite popular songs as songs about my cats and sing them to them constantly. My favorite is a song for my cat called Meachie set to the tune of "Fuck the Pain Away" by Peaches that goes: