
Look, it's pretty simple: It's a high fantasy world now. The ravens there are not necessarily the same as ravens here. Maybe they're faster. Maybe they're more direct in their flight path. Maybe they have a special airstream that takes them to the destination faster. Who knows? It really doesn't matter. It's not

He's just panicked that all the Dominican boys he met on his Oxycontin vacations are now old enough to know what he did to them, and might press charges.

It tastes the same to me.

I do. I have one right here with me.

No, really… Nobody will care. I'm drinking the Zero Sugar now, and it tastes the same as Coke Zero. Just a different label and new marketing. No big deal. They even have the same ingredients list.

I'm drinking some Coke Zero Sugar right now. It tastes the same as Coke Zero to me. You really needn't panic. Most of this seems to be marketing hype.

This isn't the Prime universe. It doesn't seem like the Kelvin universe. It seems more like a show based in the Star Fleet Battles universe.

Ugh. This is going to be a pile of grimdark, kill-spree garbage. I've no interest in the WB Justice Lords movie.

There is no need for this remake.

They edit the copy for errors. Content, on the other hand. . .

His daughter!? Wait… You mean someone actually fucked him? For free?!

I HATE Ocarina of Time. I really don't understand the love for it. I think it's mostly nostalgia and Nintendo Zelda cultism.

Oh gag me. As a non-Zelda fan, I found it as annoying as the other entries in the franchise. I'll take The Witcher 3, Skyrim, Fallout New Vegas, or any number of other games over this drek. I think the Nintendo fanboys are just wetting themselves over it because it's like the ONLY game they can play on the Switch.

Mmm… artificially flavored corn syrup cubes.

I'm sorry, but Charles Xavier throwing out f-bombs sees wildly out of character.

He has fundamentally misunderstood the Joker. But that's no surprise from the same studio that gave us gun-toting murder-Batman and don't-give-a-sh*t neckbreaker Superman.

Or anything written by Barbra Hambly or Karen Traviss.

That Lando story idea is actually pretty much what was recently published in Marvel Comics "Lando" series.