Holly Ross

If the harassment was considered minor (staring at breasts; groping; unwanted touching, etc.), we needed to suck it up, keep our heads down, and do our work. Fairly well the only sexual harassment considered worth the name was pressure to sleep with the boss or actual rape. And even then, one was likely not to be

Sigh, why would you sully such a great post with a line as stupid as “and I’m not even going to say ‘some’ white people”? I don’t care how (understandably) frustrated and angry you are with the shit-show spectacle we call America 2017, it does no one (least of all yourself) any good to pull out your broadest brush and

This year has felt like 3 times as long since Trump took over.

It’s times like this I am glad I’m not a parent. If that had been my child, I would have been down at that school, opening up a Costco sized can of Act-A-Fool.

I’m loitering around the Making a Murderer subreddit (yes, I have a problem) and from what I understand, two or three of the jurors had ties to the Manitowoc police department (through marriage, etc.). Strang and Buting only had six vetoes during jury selection and used them on other candidates who they thought would


“But the main takeaway for researchers, and us, is simple: Why marry the cow when living with it will do just as well?”

He needs to grow up. I’m a couple of years older than he is (just a couple). Happily married for over two decades. I like being called “Sir”. And I’m not looking for the attention of women half my age. You know why?

No, a dude who claims to be happily married while whining that younger women don’t pay him any attention anymore is indeed, a douche.

2 part response.

Insecure about his appearance? Notice he only laments about no longer being noticed by younger women. Not women in general, younger women. Coddling men in their late 40s who are lamenting no longer being attractive to young co-eds is never a good idea. “Happily married” or not, this sounds like a midlife crisis

Oh my god, that’s exactly how I felt. Why so much hate in this post?

He is the ultimate manbaby. Crying that younger women no longer notice him. YOUNGER WOMEN. He is a married man worried about his sex appeal to random young women on the street. He sounds like a self absorbed douche.

I’d be more sympathetic if he hadn’t restricted his complaints to the attention of younger women. It seems like he’s not immune from ageism as well.

Is this middle-aged Beavis or middle-aged Butthead? I always get them mixed up.

Well, I, for one plan to engage in my own plot for eternal youthfulness by bathing in the tears of old dried up white dudes like Tony. Because although he might be becoming aware of his own mortality, truth is he’ll be considered bangable for a while, even with the high douche quotient.

As someone who sometimes puts his dick in other guys’ butts, I disagree.

long hair don't care.

You maintain away Mark! You're wrong, but you just keep on keepin on.

I recently went to get my daughter's hair cut and I brought out a magazine and asked her to pick how she wanted her hair.