
Because Zod's in the movies and they can't use him.

They have different house crests on their different-colored robes. Presumably, that's enough.

Remember, she was a Red Lantern briefly in the comics. Kara Zor-El's anger issues have been an issue for at least a decade in almost every incarnation of her.

The show fails the Anti-Bechdel Test.

I don't think DC's been doing that, really. At least not only that.

It's pretty explicitly addressed in the first episode, on the rooftop.

Why? People make mistakes.

More like a Toyman-esque villain, really.

Why not both? She's a human being with personal issues and character flaws, but who really aspires to be better.

In the comics, the Martian Manhunter is arguably the reason the Justice League (in at least a couple of incarnations) exists at all. He's a lot of the sub-tropes of the Superman character brought to the surface, since he didn't have the benefit of growing up on Earth (much like Kara, notably, which is why he's a good

Yeah, between the "friendzoning" bullshit a few episodes back and Winn thinking he has any kind of leg to stand on regarding Kara's dating life is some bullshit.

With the same level of subtlety.

That was probably my favorite Batgirl issue.

Lue even said it's too long.

He still takes shots at Atlantic.

The Cool is far and away his most overrated album.