They should really implement female models then this might actually be worth a look, otherwise I'm all 'phobed out. :)
They should really implement female models then this might actually be worth a look, otherwise I'm all 'phobed out. :)
... but we have emoticons damn it! :-S
@elementary: That NEVER happens in my head. :twitch:
YES! Plungers ...
@Captain Rainbow: That's umm ... such a "happy" little game ...
You know they really need to make a Xbox 360 version of either this or GameFly, or both. I'd be all over unlimited downloadable rentals like Netflix but with games but in the end I still want the option to be able to purchase physical copies of the games.
@sereal: ... they could just talk Nintendo into making the Dreamcast Channel, a downloadable channel for playing Dreamcast discs on your Wii using either a Gamecube controller or the Classic controller. Then they can re-release the games for those of us who don't have them already but if they do decide to make a…
I was just going to complain about Puzzle Quest being an outrageous 1600 pts, so I double checked the website and it dropped to 800 pts making it harder to not buy it. []
Can't we just make the 360 use the Wii remote already and we can be done with most of the useless crap the industry has been slinging at us lately? :)
@Billkwando: ... maybe everybody but me cuz he was right.
I'll be heading over to greener pastures ...
"Bionic Commando has control issues" is a little misleading and implies the problem lies in the game but after basically slapping you across the face with the words "The controls are skill-based" he proceeds to show you that indeed the game can be played well by someone who knows what they're doing. In short the game…
I was wondering what game the pic was so I right-clicked it to find out that it's The Witcher. The pic looked good so I did a search to see if it was coming to any consoles and i found this on IGN ...
@snakepliskin: Well if you're stupid enough to "skip the glove" then I suppose you're stupid enough to "brutally beat them" (or at least stupid enough to think it's in anyway funny)
Here's to hoping they don't ruin it. Now where's Luigi's Mansion??
@jimb213: would you rather pink? What do you want when everything's in ruin? Seriously, destruction isn't pretty. Time and the elements (not to mention mankind) destroy things, not too many things look better with age.
Sweet, yet another WWII game with Duke who has no business being in that era.
The new dash is FUGLY, hell I don't even know what to say about it. It's mandatory, oh nice! thanks! m$! It's a good thing I never bought any themes that will instantly become obsolete and unusable. I don't know, I'm proud of my 360, it's an Elite and it's damn sexy. I have a GTA theme installed with ,I think it's,…
BAH! If I can't point and shoot, what's the point? The big thing, to me anyway, with the Wii is the ability to aim. The waggle portions are usually only tolerated but once in awhile they work (ie MP3C & RE4). I really hope Microsoft has something of their own, considering all the FPS they have that would benefit from…
@Cartman86: That's usually the worst part of most games. ie RE4 I can only think of one game that it worked well in and that was ICO but then again that was the whole game as well.