
This is the ONLY WWII game I will be buying. :)

The only reason I hated Doom III was because it wouldn't run on my pc, so I bought it for my xbox and it was good. Some of the best lighting and audio I've experienced to date.

first I couldn't watch @Edpsx: then I could watch it ... then I didn't want to anymore ... It's about as much of a PS2 looking Silent Hill as Origins ... sigh ... NIKO!!

@All_You_Oblivion/Morrowind_Fanboys: Seriously both games were great endeavours but ended up with just about everything being about as stale as possible. They were missing one of the most crucial things in video games and that's character. I'm sure you will defend it even though most of it was twitchy and lifeless but

If it's stereoscopic 3d, I don't really care how they do it I just want it. I've been playing with LCD glasses on pc for years now and it's great.

The only color I want in my games is red ... blood f'n red baby!! :)

This is kinda like M$ telling them to focus on console games ... oh the irony.

@Quicksilver4648: um yeah you were the only one that "noticed" that cuz it kinda doesn't exist ... ya perv

The funny thing is this reminds me nothing of Diablo ... or Diablo II, it reminds me of Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance or Champions of Norrath, it's just a sort of Clone of Clones.

"Fun For All Ages" generally translates to "Stupid and Childish"

It's a good point, I've turned the music completely off in games, especially FPSs, just so I could soak up the atmosphere. Doom III had some incredible audio, I loved how the doors cut off the sounds in the next room but when opened you'd hear both. It really helped with the atmosphere of being trapped or sealed in a

Yeah I'm all about the BC as well, and the rumble (which they addressed) but one thing I'd like to see on the BC is high res 1080p ps1 and ps2 games ... you know like bleem! does.

crap ... I might have to shave my head for that, unless I'm bald by the time it (or something like it) comes out.

I'd be extremely surprised if I'll be even remotely excited about what they are announcing. So, no not everyone. :P

Yeah that'd be nice and while we're at it how about the songs. It's be nice to be able to hook up your ipod, Zune or whatever and the songs would be fully functional in game.

@Zombie_Crunch: Seriously ... that was the ONLY reason I clicked the jump. I still got it for my SNES, it's a shame they butchered it for the 360. Scan the ad ... please? :)

Someone should have begged him to work on Silent Hill V ...

one step closer to eXistenZ

Now if only the friggin post office would scan the damn returns so FastReturn would actually work.

@FLYBOY611: Well then don't look here ...