
My mother loves her Kindle, but lives in southern Africa and regularly has to go without power for up to weeks at a time. Hopefully these come down a bit in price before her birthday in September, this would be the perfect gift for her.

Ridiculous? Yes. Ridiculously awesome? Also yes. Reminded me a little bit of that Sony commercial with all the video game characters in the bar.

Yep, I had the same reaction. Not only would the thought of BW dying kill me, but the fact that I somehow missed the fact that he passed away would have been just as worse, if not more so.

I was going to say hipsters. You know, it's cool not being cool by being hot.

Awesome video, but did anyone else watch it a couple times looking for a urine stream flying upwards from the dog? I know MWDs are badass, but I'm pretty sure they don't include skydiving as part of their military training.

Never thought I'd say this, but, way to go FCC?

My roommate and I went as Bill and Ted a few years ago, and first thing I gotta give props on is Ted's shirt. It's a fairly rare Van Halen tour shirt that was impossible for me to find back when we dressed up. Doesn't look like he got the orange denim jacket, though I'm pretty sure those have been extinct since the

Easy solution for shooting eggs with slingshots.

Can't look worse than he did in First Class, at least.

At first I thought he was just super unlucky, but after 3 minutes, yeah, gotta agree with you. Worst BF player ever.

Awesome job reposting a wannabe meme pic, Kotaku.

The sad thing is, I bet 90% of all gaming PCs could run their new super secret engine right now. Not hating on consoles, I own a 360 and a PS3, and I love them, but it just sucks when technological advances are held back by the popularity of mainstream devices.

Not competition orientated? Seriously? Search YouTube for Battlefield 2 tournaments. Some of the bigger tournies feature tactics that the US military should be using.


Nope, sorry. No amount of healing will make that tattoo look any better.

Was that a trandoshan at the 5:00 minute mark? What the hell is Bossk doing in an Uncharted game?

The first few paragraphs drew me in, but the dialogue, like pretty much every video game novel I've read in the past decade or so, just seemed stilted and artificial. Maybe it's because of the genre, having to draw on a well established setting, that causes the writers to cram all of their exposition into

This makes complete sense, since Greece has always historically been known as a place of peace and creation.

That's terrible on so many levels. Bad art, bad implentation, bad tattoo skills (no line definition, no shading on the main color areas), just simply terrible.

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