
Looks like he left his lens cap on for three of those. :P

For all of you complaining about sites like Kotaku giving these hackers free publicity, just know that by complaining about their coverage, you're only helping keep these kinds of stories alive. Web based news outlets base their coverage on the typical amount of response and page views their stories generate. So, by

Three words. Liquid nitrogen roundhouse.

Hm... Nope. All those taglines just remind me of the joke blurbs my friends and I would come up with when we were bored in our theater classes back in high school. "Axle Striker is a hard nosed detective, but a detective with a secret. This is his secret..."

Yep, loving that series so far. I just hope there are about 20-30 more episodes in the works, because as slow as it's going (not necessarily a bad thing!), it's gonna take quite a few episodes to introduce all the key characters and get the plot rolling.

Ok, I agree with you on Stryker, but Kabal? He's like Bruce Lee + Darth Vader.

Muzzle flash much? I know it's Hollywood and all, but come on. When the muzzle flash is longer than the gun it's coming out of, you might be overdoing it a bit.

This somehow ended up in my Steam library. Had no idea what it was until now. I really need to figure out how to integrate a breathalizer into Steam. It does look interesting, unfortunately, the only time I'm likely to play it is when I get as drunk as I was when I ordered it, and therefore won't remember how

Decrypting now! Shotgun parkour begins in a matter of seconds!

Wait, wasn't the 3D Final Destination supposed to be the "final" Final Destination? I could have sworn all the ads for that movie said it was so.

Wait, real web slinging, not CGI crap? Maybe there's hope for this reboot after all.

We can only hope that would create an infinite logic loop that ended up sucking GL into a black hole.

Damn it all. Just when I thought I was done with Call of Duty, they introduce a new zombie mode featuring Trejo, Englund, Rooker, and Buffy? All teamed up to save George Romero from his own creations?

There's already a movie in the works. Supposedly Brad Pitt is lined up to star in it. And no, it's not directed by Uwe Boll.

Can't hear you, because, check me out, I'm dancin', I'm dancin'!

Those drums needed more COMpression.

Well, at least I would if I could edit my original comment.

Oh, hell, I didn't even see that. Fixing now. Sorry!