
Nevermind the fact that WoW had nearly two dozen server merges in its first two years in existence.

Having played an early version of it last year at QuakeCon, I am super stoked for this game. Even back then, the gameplay was slick as hell. The shooting mechanics are solid, as are the level traversing and the immediate access to team objectives. The previous year at Quakecon featured a presentation highlighting a

Hooray! Controversy! Political posturing! Arguments! Free advertising!

The visuals didn't hurt my head nearly as much as all the kiddy/pokemon shouting/screaming/yelling did.

What about the Monster League games for Sega Genesis? The hockey one was especially fun.

This is what happens when a "religious" group has a small army of lawyers at its disposal.

So they base these awards solely on the scripts without actually playing the games? Doesn't that kind of defeat the interactive and involving nature of video games?

Sim, arcade, I don't really care. More flight combat games is always a good thing!

Bubbles! *squee*

@Sloopydrew: I was going to say the exact same thing. Didn't they (Zynga) just make millions off of selling players' information, and then simply get slapped with a 5-figure fine?

@Sloopydrew: I was going to say the exact same thing. Didn't they (Zynga) just make millions off of selling players' information, and then simply get slapped with a 5-figure fine?

I always find it amusing when companies put out simulations or games that cost more than the activity it's supposed to emulate.

Hooray for more crap indie music/video game mashups!

Maybe it's just the YouTube-o-vision, but this actually looks slightly worse than Fight Night 4.

It's been Minecrafted.

I was given the nickname Tick back in college due to the ridiculously large grin I would sport while intoxicated, my affinity for the color blue, and a generally goofy demeanor. People would shout "Spooooon!" at me all the time at parties, but I never did.

@8thR: It's been a while since I've played it, but weren't there one or two other "yodas" in Knights of the Old Republic? I just have a vague memory of standing in front of a council with them at one point in the game, and I don't think they did the yoda-speak thing either.

Man, this reminds me of the days where you could actually go rent PC games at Hastings. Granted, this was back in the MS-DOS/Windows 3.1 days, where the only notion of copy protection was having the disk in the drive and being able to read some random word or code out of the manual for a password.

@Se7en_speed: They sell those in the States, too.