
Damn, I would have bet money this was in Japan before clicking the link.

False. We refer to all soft drinks as "Coke". Get it right.

Gotta say the Chief is in the best position to get some vengeance here. And I'm not just talking about some old woman yanking you back out of her car in front of a hot dog vendor, either.

This is probably why I hate super obese people just as much as I hate roided out gym monkeys. They're exactly the same!

Probably dating myself here, but does that molecule remind anyone else of the galaxy map in Escape Velocity?

Ok, I've got to admit, this is the first thing I've seen related to Kinect that even has me remotely interested in picking one up.

I use Monster cables in various formats in my recording studio, simply because there are a lot of cables strewn about everywhere and they all get a lot of foot traffic. They're definitely the toughest cables on the market right now, but if you're just running a 3-6 HDMI cable from your console to your TV behind an

@p.e.r.e.g.r.i.n.e.: Well, that's good to know. Considering what devs have done with iOS devices, this could definitely be worth keeping an eye on.

Just to be clear, there's no third party developer support?

As much as I respect and love the modding community, for all games, not just this one, as long as the mod creators are credited in some way or another (preferably on the main download page), I fail to see what the problem is. Modders put their work up in the public domain, which means that the public at large is free

Awesome article. As an old school PC gamer (back when PC games didn't have magazines covering them and the only web coverage of them could only be found by foraging around Compuserve's archaic "forums" on a 56k baud modem), this truly takes me back to the groundbreaking days of the platform. It swells my heart to see

If they could combine this gameplay + graphics with either Little Big Planet or Minecraft user customization, this could be a HUUUUUUGE hit. As it stands, yes, it looks awesome, I love the retro style, but as someone who played Robotron and later Smash TV and Total Carnage religiously in my early teen years, I have to

That's pretty sad. My brother and I did a lot more damage to his old PC a couple years ago with an AR, an M1A, and a couple of pistols.

"Makes for a beautiful mix."

If they can make the same kind of improvements that Ubi did with AC2, this could go from a good game to a fantastic game. I'll be keeping on eye on this for sure.

Slightly off topic, does anyone know where the artwork in the very first picture is from? I stumbled on it years ago and had it as my desktop background, but then lost it when my HD died. Would love to find another high resolution version of it.

I'm still baffled by the decision not to include LAN support in SC2. Then again, I was baffled by the decision not to include dedicated server support in MW2. Maybe my knowledge of basic economics is somewhat lacking, but how would including those features lose Greedavision money? I can understand (but not agree with)

I kept looking at the FOD indicator for most of that video. Didn't his mother ever tell him not to start a nuclear holocaust with a fat boy launching minigun on an empty stomach?